Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Just a lil update...

Wow, it has been so long since I last blogged. Partly due to this crazy laziness that has been bugging me and partly due to the morning (or more like all day) sickness. Everyday day and night for the past 2 months I have been feeling super nauseous and couldn't really keep anything down. I would say that eating and immediately sleeping goes hand in hand as that's the only way I could actually keep any food in my belly. But thankfully the worst seems to be over. I'm still nauseous, though I could manage it better now. Food tastes better too. Happy happy me... :)

Yesterday was my monthly checkup and I got to see my baby again. What a relief that was! :D been worried for awhile since at 4 months pregnant I'm still losing weight. In fact people can't really tell that I'm pregnant, my tummy is that flat (well flat meaning normal lemakish and not round) hehehe... But the doc seems not worried about the weight loss and the scan showed good growth. So I'm happy :)

Baby was quiet yesterday. I would say its probably cos I'm fasting. My darling is conserving energy. Hehehe... No jiggle dance like last month. Sometimes I think I feel a flutter, but can't be really super sure... Already I can't wait for the checkup!

Well that's all for now. Selamat berbuka everyone... And selamat menyambut hari merdeka ;)
