Thursday, April 21, 2011

My Sweet Shiya... My Sweetheart...

A Little Update

My baby is 81 days old today.. how time flies... at her 2 months check up a couple of weeks ago, she was a healthy 4.92kg and 55 cm... her head circumference was 37cm... she's growing so fast that some of her clothes can no longer fit her properly. I still remember when she first came home and all her clothes were just too big! Hehehe, so adorable to see the sleaves hanging down and the pants worn 'urkle' style...  :)  Now those pants are waayyyy to tight and some of the tops and jumpers will no longer accomodate jer growing bum..

A pity that presents from her Uncle Adam reached to late... he gave suce beautiful clothes! Tried to wear it, but poor baby didn't look too comfortable. So I have decided to put these pretty things away nicely in a box till next time... hubby looked at me in a panicky state when I mentioned this to him... yesss sayang... I want more babies in the near future... hahahah   :P

Now she's starting to recognise people... hehehe, I know she's still very young, but you can see the response in her eyes when she hears a familiar voice... if you catch her in a good mood, like after her nap in the evenings, she's give you a big toothless grin... and it just plain lights up her eyes... she loves cooing and the sounds that she makes sometimes can just make you laugh... at a tender age of 2 months + she's already learing how to be a diva... or shall I say... the perfect princess...

Her hair is still sparse... hahaha... sian my baby... but she's so cute it doesn't matter... Tok Ma bought a lot of head bands from their trip to the US...

Shiya makes the cutest sound when she's hungry and sucking her mittens... and at this moment, she hates waking up in the morning...even when she's hungry! She'll be sucking at her mittens and everytime I try to give her some milk... she'll start crying (softly so that makes you even more sad) because you're disturbing her sleep. Sometimes she even yawns loudly and cry afterward... I do get worried though... because it is very hard to make her drink her milk for the week (only during the wee hours of the morning)... I can say that from 11pm to 7 am she only drinks 2-4 oz every night.

Ok thats all for now... :)

Ps... . Whats the merits and demerits of bringing your baby out early... as in bring her out to see the world? I usually feel that they should stay at home, where it's safe and comfy... but with my own child I seem to be taking her everywhere... well not just anywhere... but places that I feel she can be comfortable there... good shopping malls and hotels... *shrug* Am I wrong? Tak kut... all my nephews seems to be thriving... hehehe... Lissy doesn't count because she was a lot older when she first went out...  which reminds me that it's her bday next week! yeay... 1 years old already...

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Back to work

Today is my 3rd day at work... and I must admit that adjustment is equally tiring and mind numbing. My body is still trying to adjust to the constant activities as well as cold climate of the office. In fact the first day left me with a throbbing headache that made me super nauseous the whole day and nite. Yesterday I had a 38.7 temperature by the time we got home...body aching and mind shutting down. I'm hoping that today will be a better day...

The hardest part everyday is leaving Shiya at home... so far each day she wakes up before I leave the house, so I was able to kiss her yummy cheeks good-bye... but it's getting harder and harder everyday because as the days go by... the more I realise that no matter how fast or efficient I try to be... the hours I get to spend with her are so limited! The few times are precious and I cherish every smile, coo and kiss... but it's not enough and I wish for more time to leisurely spend with her... a chunk of that time is needed for my nightly sleep and another chunk is for pumping... that just leaves me a couple of hours each nite and some precious minutes each morning... :(   is this what all working mums go through? -sigh-

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Breastfeeding and work

It's sad when I see how shoddy this 'mother's room' is... first off, there's only 1 power outlet.. One?! In a company this huge, obviously there are a number of mummies in need of this facility..shouldn't there be at least a few? The room is also located near the pantry n toilet, where all (inc men) walk about.. It's really nerve wrecking sitting here and I hold my breath everytime I hear foot steps..

The saddest part is of course the room itself... I must say... NOT PRETTY! I feel like a runaway stuck in an iffy and cramped closet, hiding from the world. Chairs that doesn't look very clean.. Not even placed properly but looked as though it's squeezed in as an afterthought... Sigh...

Definite eye sore...

Need anymore proof of what the big heads feel about working mums...?