Wednesday, June 18, 2014

My baby boy...

I decided to read back my previous blog entries... mainly to find some stuffs that I wrote on my Jellybean... and oh my how I used to blog every step of the journey from birth till well about 1 year... Unfortunately I have not been as diligent in regards to the journey of my baby mo... so sorry sayang...

Baby mo is now less than 2 weeks shy of turning 5 months old... and the journey has been amazing... some parts similar to jellybean and some parts easier.. yet there are times that have been more challenging...

At 4 month:
1. suck on his fingers
2. giggle and teased
3. starting to recognise faces and voices
4. lets out a loud shriek when you're upset
5. still NOT sleeping through the night...  :P
6. have something very in common with your sister... susah minum susu... *sigh*
7. baby mo senang masuk angin... or else it might be the way we gave you milk... or it could be my milk... hard to say, but this is the most likely cause of your discomfort most days and certainly seems to be every night right now... poor baby...
8. made a full body flip from back to tummy 14.6.14
9. can sit and then stand just holding on to my finger tips
10. can meniarap, well this you have been doing since you were 3 months old
11. latest thing that you have begun  to do is to slowly grasp an object that interests you... and sometimes you would pull it to your mouth...

Love you my baby... since day 1 you have been a somewhat calm baby... only troubling when you're not comfortable or hungry... you have huge round eyes and with lashes that later I just know your sister and cousin will cry for... hehehehe already I am bring stopped at shops (much to my annoyance) with people admiring you...

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

My Prince Charming

Oh dear...

It has been so long since I made an entry that I don't even know where to begin...

So let's just skip all or any other details and just go to the night before I gave birth to my Prince..  :)

It started out like any other week... me feeling bad and taking the day off (though I had minor contractions which I thought was just braxton hicks since it stopped after 5pm like that)... in fact on Tues I went to work and came up with a wonderful game plan till I was to give birth... I was gonna take the full 2 weeks off till my due date.. after all I just reached my 37th week.. was feeling to tired and everywhere it ached...

That night I had a spicy dinner.... it was yummy... but I woke up at 12 with this persistent stomach-back ache... kept going to the bathroom too... I was thinking... "Am I in labour?" the age old questions all mummies tend to ask when they are in denial... hahahaha... I was hesitant to make a move to the hospital.. after all, I had spicy food and this stomach ache could just be due to that... wouldn't it be embarrassing if I got sent back home because of that? :P

Well.. I couldn't sleep cause it hurts.. so I stayed up watching TV... by 3.30 am though the pain was getting to me... and I realise it may be more serious than a stomach ache when I couldn't help but moan everytime I get one of those 'waves' of pain... looking at the clock.. it was coming at 5 mins apart... ok... time to wake up Mr. Hubby... maybe a trip to the hospital wouldn't be such a bad idea...

So we made a move to arrived at PCMC and the pain was just coming and oh my did it hurt... I can barely stand... which was so different from Shiya's time (that time I prefer to stand because sitting or lying on my back hurt too much). This time was different too because I had to bleeding and my water was still fully intact. The nurse checked and apparently I have already dilated to 4cm! Another typical question... "Do you want epidural?" ahahaha "Oh, I'll tell you later." That was me trying to be brave... honestly I was thinking.. maybe I can last... Yes i can....

Back aching... crazy... painful 1.5 hours later... "I want epidural!"

And so it goes.. the process of having epi and the wait for it to take effect.. and finding that it takes quite a bit of time for the pain to get a lil numb (I don't know why but the pain doesn't completely go away for me)... was just about to relax... when suddenly this big push from inside me came out of nowhere... the pressure was intense and I was so shocked by the sudden feeling of it that I held on to the side railing.. and then... whoosh...! My water just broke... and .... there was an intense feeling pushing from my bottom... I quickly called the nurse who came and checked... I was 8 cm dilated and to make me more comfortable she gave me another dose of epi...

All this seems to happen and time flew but in my mind it all happened within a few minutes because before I know it I was calling the nurse again.. the pressure was too much and I was very very very uncomfortable... when she again checked.. I was ready to push... but... doctor was not there yet... it was 7.30am... Gulp!...
they gave my the gas to help me through (I didn't feel the difference.. what is wrong with me??)

I managed to keep the urge to push in for 20mins until the doctor walked in the door... and I was soooo relieved to hear her voice.. and with just a slight push... my baby boy was born 7.51am... 3.202kg... :)

When they placed him on my tummy... all wet and gooey.. I thought nothing looked as beautiful and holding him close to me felt just so wonderful... hehehe Alhamdulillah.. my baby was here, healthy and beautiful...