Wow, time really flies... it feels like only yesterday i was updating on my pregnancy and suddenly now I am a few weeks shy of giving birth! :) I'm currently in my 37th week and at this stage:
- Darling baby stretches a lot in my tummy, think she's trying to find her place in an ever smaller environment...though I must say that my tummy has ballooned to an extra-ordinary size! hehehe.... in other words it's very very round...
- In our last check-up baby showed to be petite and, Alhamdulillah, light (2.6-2.9kg). I was a bit scared that her weight might be over 3kg due to my sister's pregnancy history, and let's admit it... I haven't been taking care of my sugar in-take despite my borderline case to high sugar level. My next check-up us next week and I'm really hoping that by then the baby's growth is still maintained at normal and that she's properly engaged. Insyallah...
- She's been hiccuping a lot lately... and last week during the eve of my birthday, my mum and SIL was able to feel her hiccuping away! hehehe... now 4 people besides me has felt her moving. :) She's such a shy baby, only moves at night when there's only mummy, and sometimes daddy... tsk tsk... :)
- I have to refrain myself from getting baby more clothes as she already has a huge collection for 0-3 months. I guess I went overboard with the shopping... not to mention the lovely gifts from friends! I realised this when I was busy doing her laundry the other week. Though if I were to think about it, baby is lacking in new born clothes... hmmm.... :P
- We finally set up the crib in Kajang and I finally started on laundry for the clothes and what nots there. Not much to be done since most of the stuff are in Subang. Afterall, I'll be finishing my pantang in Subang. I'll just pack her clothes when it's time to go to Kajang later. Afraid that if I leave off any clothes there, then I might forget it and she might not fit it anymore.
- At this stage I have felt braxton-hicks. The funny part is that I didn't even know what it was until the doc told me! All this while I thought it was just baby stretching out in my tummy. Hehehehe..... my whole tummy hardens and I'm thinking... wow, is this how it's going to be like when the contraction starts?? And no, I'm not that naive to think the real ones wouldn't hurt :P
- Restless nights? yesss..... I still do wake up a lot during the night time. Mainly to go to the bathroom and sometimes when I need to change my position. But lately I've also been restless during bedtime due to my emotional elmo-eey self :P Somehow I think I super sensitive and gets upset easily. When this happens, it usually plagues my mind till I can't seem to sleep well. Being a person who loves to get a good night's sleep, this would of course mean me being a grouchy bear the next morning! grrr.... heheheh
- Oh! My fingers also hurts... I'm not sure what's the reason for this. At this stage, I've started retaining water and my feet and fingers are bloated to the max! That could actually be the cause of the pain in my fingers. Everytime I try to clench in fists, it feels bloaty and the joints hurts. Need to remember to ask the doc if that's normal. Haven't heard of anyone feeling like that.
Ok... I think that's long enough for this entry... :) Praying that everything turns out well... until later... hugs... ! Muah!
All 3 pregnant ladies... with me and my bff having EDD diff of 2 days! |
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