Thursday, September 29, 2011

Empire no more??

Subang is slowly becoming one of those places that you love and hate at the same time. You hate the bustling nature of the traffic and people... everywhere you go at all times of the day you're sure to get stuck in traffic... but... you absolutely love it.


Because of the convenience of having everything and I mean EVERYTHING at your fingertips... name it... food, entertainment, shops, schools, mosque, car services, spa treatment... and the latest... movie theatre... everything is there and within distance. For someone who lives half the month in Subang and half the month in Kajang area, believe me... you'll feel the difference when you have to travel way out of your way to find a good grocery shop just to make chicken porridge for your baby!  :P

Anyhow, one major nice contributor to the rising sun and shine of Subang is Empire Mall. The first time it opened, I had my doubts... but the more you go there, the more you start to appreciate the fact that it's there... Jaya Grocer offers some nice choice of grocery list item selection such as for baby food and baby formula... and the price is quite cheap if you compare to the likes of Cold Storage or Carrefour. Then there is the many and many selection of restaurants from fancy to all time fav coffee bean... Last but certainly not least... there is Kizsports...

Shiya sweetie pie has only been there 3 times and already she loves to play the slide and the balls at the big ball pool... In fact we were supposed to go there last weekend but due to some timing error we didn't actually made it there.

There was some shocking news yesterday morning. Apparently due to gas leakage (so they say), there was a major explosion at Empire Mall! From the pictures it looks very bad and basically everything is ruined. Needless to say that it's closed until further notice. I know a lot of people that I love/care about/know goes there in an almost daily basis... thank goodness that it happened at 3.45am where there are minimal people around. Even then there were still 4 people who were injured.

As my sis was saying, now that there is an explosion, the place is dangerous to go to... you never know if the structure is still sound and strong. For all we know, time is all it needs to totally collapsed! Such a scary thought! Oh well... I will miss empire... many nice memories there...

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