Tuesday, December 27, 2011

My Nomadic Life

Being a nomad is no joke... it seems to me we're always on the move. Not only that, being 'free' and 'unattached' makes it impossible to say 'no' when you just don't feel like make the move. At least that was the way before I was gave birth to my princess. Really? No.... situations have not changed since then.

When I say nomadic life, the norm for my little family would be the move from Subang house (my parents) to Kajang house (in-laws) and vice versa. When I got married, I maintained separate things at both houses so that the move can be sudden, at will and not followed by a multitude of baggage. The control of items are easier said than done. After all, isn't crazy to have the same exact everything in both houses?? Hmm.. maybe if i was a billionaire. :P

Then came the mix up with work clothes... the tudungs that I thought was there but actually not... ohhh the list goes on and on... now with a maid and baby... the craziness of moving around gets even worse! People don't always understand the stress that I am under and those who knows my woes (since I tend to nag when I get the opportunity) feels that it's just a matter of prioritising and just well... make do or prepare.....

My question is... how do I do this? It's not just about me and hubby anymore. Our room is no longer our personal space...(maids coming in and out)... Then we also have to deal with our baby's stuff... that's the trickiest part because I can get very stressed out and 'anal' when it comes to Jellybean's toys and clothes... erm, let's just say all her toys need to be accounted for and all her clothes stacked and folded according to usage..daily, fancy..bla bla... but who doesn't do that...? Right? hmmm....

Anyhow, I have been spending a lot of time (when I have it) to organised her stuff as well as hubby's and mine... in both houses... so I have been spending a lot of money on buying storage boxes and Tupperware...yes, I have joined the Lock n Lock band wagon as bought a whole bunch to store my Jellybean's foody and snacks... let's just say I have one for every occasion...to store her vege for her porridge, her fruits, her cereals, her biscuits... and some small ones for her food when we go out... this alone takes a few minitues to get organised on a daily basis! hahaha...

So I am also going through all the clothes I have to sort out those to be stored under 'pregnancy/pantang' storage and those I would just give away...


even writing about it takes a lot of energy  :P 

It's almost new year and I am still organising and 'kemasing'... pening and penat... well... that's one resolution for 2012... to be well organised and neat... hehehe... and all this kemas2 is probably due to the fact that I am sincerely bored with my everyday/work clothes... so I am trying to be a little bit more rajin in getting ready to go out or to work. So I'm going through all my clothes and tudungs to judge their worth per say... hahahaha... I will be turning 29 in less than a month... Don't want to look like I'm 40 when I'm just turning 30! :P  My goodness I'm THAT old huh? hehehe... At heart I feel like I'm still 20.... ye ke? Well a 20 yo who likes to spend time with her baby and hubby at home... and be with close family and friends...  :)

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