Have you heard Morning Sun by Shayna & The Catch? Upbeat and cute.... Hehe... Here's my morning sun....:)
Monday, July 16, 2012
Those things unexpected...
Part of living together would be the art of compromising...
That said, I'm sure all newly weds...or even new housemates and such would understand this statement. Compromise is not often easy..especially when it comes to those who are dominant or used to living by themselves...rules or courtesy would not come easy...
I am lucky..in that lucky to marry my love who doesn't mind me taking control of the household chores...shall I even be brave to say grateful? Hehehe...
I love to organise things and my home surroundings as per my preference...and so comes the laundry requirements..organisation of our clothes and other worldly materials and of course groceries...and evolving from that...my cooking stuff and schedules to cook... The cooking part is a major concern to me currently since as a working mum who is doing the cooking too...I need to plan well my time because I refuse to sacrifice my playing time with jellybean..
The solution? I cook immediately when I come home from work while I try to entertain jellybean in between... Finish off by 10 is a must because that's her bedtime...wake up latest by 6.15 so that i can start on her breakie at 6.45 latest...
So far I havr been able to follow this and yes there are days that I get lazy and divert..such as the occasional take out on Saturday :p
But what I have come to unveil lately from this sudden need to be a domestic 'perfection' is that while we are busy with our family needs not everyone around you can accept this. This is unexpected especially when it comes to having this 'disagreement' in your own family...
Well...what else can I say...we cannot please everyone and as a wife and mother to a perfect cupcake my priorities are set in stone. I am always ready to compromise..but not when the demands are done by stabbing my back and rediculing what is closest to my heart...
And so... I am glad that our house will be done soon..and happy that God has shown me what is real and what might be fake...for now... :)
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Premium Beautiful
Has anyone heard of this wonder? For those who may not know..it is the ultimate corset as it is said to help to shape and enhance ur figure.. Not only that..u actually lose weight as it shapes u to ur wonderful dream figure... :)
And yes..i bought the set..well..since then i realise that it's not for me... Y?
1. I hate tight clothes or rather corsets in general
2. Gets into a bad temper when i actually wear one the whole day
So in total i had actually worn the set a total of 2 times... A waste really...and for those who loves wearing corsets...it really works as i have had a few friends who uses it constantly and looks great...
Now i am making a great deal...so if anyone is interested do let me know ;)
For a practically brand new premium beautiful full corset...
1. Full set (bra.tights.girdle) RM1,000
2. Per piece RM350
Of course u can view and check the item first, so no worries k...
Books for sale...
Let's just call it a moving soon sale...hehehe..looking at my mountain of books and decided to sell it off.. :)
All still super new and from good authors..
Melissa - RM20
Julia - RM15
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Shiya at 17months...

She's sweet..adorable..n tempremental...sugar n spice...love her to bits!! :)
1. Called me mummy or mimi
2. Recognises faces in photos...n call them by name...
3. Can show understanding of her surroundings like say 'dah sampai' when we're parking..'bye bye' when she's leaving room..'habiss' wheb her food or drink is finished..'tido' and 'duduk' is of course ingrained in her since mummy always bising to ask her to sleep or sit properly in a chair...
4. She has had her first taste of froyo and goodness she loves it! Vanilla and peanut butter mix is her fav...
5. She loves to take a shower and will literally scream in raptuous joy as the water runs over her...
6. Has learned to help herself get dressed
7. Can scroll and choose her own vids on ipad
8. Can stack up 3 blocks all by herself
9. Finished a single calciyum drink in a single sitting..
Ahh... My baby's so grown... She suddenly fits 12-18 m clothing overnight... And her hair has tangles! Hehhhe...finally! :p