She's sweet..adorable..n tempremental...sugar n spice...love her to bits!! :)
1. Called me mummy or mimi
2. Recognises faces in photos...n call them by name...
3. Can show understanding of her surroundings like say 'dah sampai' when we're parking..'bye bye' when she's leaving room..'habiss' wheb her food or drink is finished..'tido' and 'duduk' is of course ingrained in her since mummy always bising to ask her to sleep or sit properly in a chair...
4. She has had her first taste of froyo and goodness she loves it! Vanilla and peanut butter mix is her fav...
5. She loves to take a shower and will literally scream in raptuous joy as the water runs over her...
6. Has learned to help herself get dressed
7. Can scroll and choose her own vids on ipad
8. Can stack up 3 blocks all by herself
9. Finished a single calciyum drink in a single sitting..
Ahh... My baby's so grown... She suddenly fits 12-18 m clothing overnight... And her hair has tangles! Hehhhe...finally! :p
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