My baby girl can now officially walk at 6 days shy of her 11 months birthday!
I don't even know where it all started... it was a slow and eventual event... she has been up on her feet for awhile now... I think she first stood up supported when she was 7 months... and she started to cruise when she was 8 months... since then she just loves to have someone hold her up and 'tatih' her around the house and I must tell you... it is superbly tiring to the waist trying to entertain her 'bertatih' as she just throws a fit when you stop! :P
The first step she took was around 9 months when she would subconsciously walk up to you though only a few steps before she would fall on her bum bum. Even then it was rare and far in between. Then at 10 months the rare little steps would be more frequent and longer... she even started getting up and picking up toys and doing her little jiggly dance... hahahaha... it was a sight to see... :) in a matter of a couple of weeks, she went from just a few steps and jiggly dance... to a full walk from one end to another. That's when I got a brilliant idea to get her new shoes. I finally noticed that the shoes she's wearing seems a bit tight and she always hates it when I put her on the ground when she's wearing them.
My BFF advised me to try Stride Rite and looking at the designs, I fell in love. The shoes are also light so it'll sure to be comfortable for her little feet. The first day we got it... she wore it... and voila! She started walking on her own... All the way at Empire (24.12.11) as mummy went shopping.. she was happy with all the Christmas deco and was merrily fascinated with the trees around. We even went for a window shopping session at Toys R Us, just baby, me and daddy... hehehe... It was an amazing experience... can't believe how much she's grown! *sob!*
At 2.95kg... her days were spent gazing into my eyes... and eventually her arms started flailing... trying to catch the stars... finding her way to her tummy at 3months, she worked her way to a crawl at 5 months... and found freedom to stand up at 7 months... now at almost 11 months... weighing a mere 7.5kg... she can walk right next to me... *eyes tearing* love, love, love....
at 11 months (almost):
1. Can pick up her toys while standing up
2. Respond when you call out her name
3. Can kiss when requested... either with her lips... or she will give you her cheek or forehead
4. Loves her Duck-Duck toy, a gift from her daddy when she was 10 months...
5. Still loving Barney and only Barney... though she has shown interest in almost all nursery rhymes
6. Will start dancing when her favorite songs are on... 'Where is Pinky', 'I love You', .... there is a lot :P
7. Favorite music instrument is the drum... or anything that can make a banging sound
8. Will try and grab a toy from another baby/child if she likes it
9. Will scream at a baby/child who is disturbing her playing space/toy
10. Will tell you (though she screams in a particular way and you might not always understand) when she wants to watch Barney/want a drink of water/is hungry and want something to eat
11. Loves to play with water, so it's always a fight when you're changing her diapers at night and need to keep playing with water to a minimum
12. Can crawl down the stairs/bed/couch on her own (another milestone covered!) :)
13. Will wave goodbye or hi... (yeay! :D )
14. Knows how to get off a bicycle (though not always successful)
15. Can put toys in a box and take out toys from a box
16. Knows to say "mamam" when she's eating
17. Can find her way to the door and bang her hand to get someone to open the door
18. Is now stable enough to push chairs or bicycle around on her own... she can now use her walker as it was intended... hehehe... ;)
19. New food? Tasted, soup tulang..cheese naan..ciku..milo..Malteasers Choco, Kinder Bueno for kids, Kit Kat (her fav), Milo Choco, Cheerios cereal, cheese, butter biscuits...fries (yes, guilty as charged)..fried tofu in oyster sauce..
hehehe... ok ... and the list goes on and on... some of the stuff up there was covered baby dear at 10 months, I think I might have written before...
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Jellybean and her 10 months Journey...
My Nomadic Life
Being a nomad is no joke... it seems to me we're always on the move. Not only that, being 'free' and 'unattached' makes it impossible to say 'no' when you just don't feel like make the move. At least that was the way before I was gave birth to my princess. Really? No.... situations have not changed since then.
When I say nomadic life, the norm for my little family would be the move from Subang house (my parents) to Kajang house (in-laws) and vice versa. When I got married, I maintained separate things at both houses so that the move can be sudden, at will and not followed by a multitude of baggage. The control of items are easier said than done. After all, isn't crazy to have the same exact everything in both houses?? Hmm.. maybe if i was a billionaire. :P
Then came the mix up with work clothes... the tudungs that I thought was there but actually not... ohhh the list goes on and on... now with a maid and baby... the craziness of moving around gets even worse! People don't always understand the stress that I am under and those who knows my woes (since I tend to nag when I get the opportunity) feels that it's just a matter of prioritising and just well... make do or prepare.....
My question is... how do I do this? It's not just about me and hubby anymore. Our room is no longer our personal space...(maids coming in and out)... Then we also have to deal with our baby's stuff... that's the trickiest part because I can get very stressed out and 'anal' when it comes to Jellybean's toys and clothes... erm, let's just say all her toys need to be accounted for and all her clothes stacked and folded according to usage..daily, fancy..bla bla... but who doesn't do that...? Right? hmmm....
Anyhow, I have been spending a lot of time (when I have it) to organised her stuff as well as hubby's and mine... in both houses... so I have been spending a lot of money on buying storage boxes and Tupperware...yes, I have joined the Lock n Lock band wagon as bought a whole bunch to store my Jellybean's foody and snacks... let's just say I have one for every store her vege for her porridge, her fruits, her cereals, her biscuits... and some small ones for her food when we go out... this alone takes a few minitues to get organised on a daily basis! hahaha...
So I am also going through all the clothes I have to sort out those to be stored under 'pregnancy/pantang' storage and those I would just give away...
even writing about it takes a lot of energy :P
It's almost new year and I am still organising and 'kemasing'... pening and penat... well... that's one resolution for 2012... to be well organised and neat... hehehe... and all this kemas2 is probably due to the fact that I am sincerely bored with my everyday/work clothes... so I am trying to be a little bit more rajin in getting ready to go out or to work. So I'm going through all my clothes and tudungs to judge their worth per say... hahahaha... I will be turning 29 in less than a month... Don't want to look like I'm 40 when I'm just turning 30! :P My goodness I'm THAT old huh? hehehe... At heart I feel like I'm still 20.... ye ke? Well a 20 yo who likes to spend time with her baby and hubby at home... and be with close family and friends... :)
When I say nomadic life, the norm for my little family would be the move from Subang house (my parents) to Kajang house (in-laws) and vice versa. When I got married, I maintained separate things at both houses so that the move can be sudden, at will and not followed by a multitude of baggage. The control of items are easier said than done. After all, isn't crazy to have the same exact everything in both houses?? Hmm.. maybe if i was a billionaire. :P
Then came the mix up with work clothes... the tudungs that I thought was there but actually not... ohhh the list goes on and on... now with a maid and baby... the craziness of moving around gets even worse! People don't always understand the stress that I am under and those who knows my woes (since I tend to nag when I get the opportunity) feels that it's just a matter of prioritising and just well... make do or prepare.....
My question is... how do I do this? It's not just about me and hubby anymore. Our room is no longer our personal space...(maids coming in and out)... Then we also have to deal with our baby's stuff... that's the trickiest part because I can get very stressed out and 'anal' when it comes to Jellybean's toys and clothes... erm, let's just say all her toys need to be accounted for and all her clothes stacked and folded according to usage..daily, fancy..bla bla... but who doesn't do that...? Right? hmmm....
Anyhow, I have been spending a lot of time (when I have it) to organised her stuff as well as hubby's and mine... in both houses... so I have been spending a lot of money on buying storage boxes and Tupperware...yes, I have joined the Lock n Lock band wagon as bought a whole bunch to store my Jellybean's foody and snacks... let's just say I have one for every store her vege for her porridge, her fruits, her cereals, her biscuits... and some small ones for her food when we go out... this alone takes a few minitues to get organised on a daily basis! hahaha...
So I am also going through all the clothes I have to sort out those to be stored under 'pregnancy/pantang' storage and those I would just give away...
even writing about it takes a lot of energy :P
It's almost new year and I am still organising and 'kemasing'... pening and penat... well... that's one resolution for 2012... to be well organised and neat... hehehe... and all this kemas2 is probably due to the fact that I am sincerely bored with my everyday/work clothes... so I am trying to be a little bit more rajin in getting ready to go out or to work. So I'm going through all my clothes and tudungs to judge their worth per say... hahahaha... I will be turning 29 in less than a month... Don't want to look like I'm 40 when I'm just turning 30! :P My goodness I'm THAT old huh? hehehe... At heart I feel like I'm still 20.... ye ke? Well a 20 yo who likes to spend time with her baby and hubby at home... and be with close family and friends... :)
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Oh, forgot to mention in the previous post... Jellybean can now go down the steps (well, 2 steps so far) all by herself... She finally understands that she needs to go feet first... :)
And last night she walked while holding and shaking her maracas, thanx to her Dadad's encouragement...
She still has 2 teeth only... Oh and she had her first taste of mandarin oranges and loves them! :) She also had a little taste of ciku... Seems to like it, but I think her latest fav is oranges.
Had her first bruise on Saturday when her nanny was not looking properly... She hit her cheek on the coffee table that left a bluish slash on her cheek. :( She also had her first fall from the bed when she was 9 months. But she was just surprised and once mummy was able to soothe her, she was her cheerful self again...
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And last night she walked while holding and shaking her maracas, thanx to her Dadad's encouragement...
She still has 2 teeth only... Oh and she had her first taste of mandarin oranges and loves them! :) She also had a little taste of ciku... Seems to like it, but I think her latest fav is oranges.
Had her first bruise on Saturday when her nanny was not looking properly... She hit her cheek on the coffee table that left a bluish slash on her cheek. :( She also had her first fall from the bed when she was 9 months. But she was just surprised and once mummy was able to soothe her, she was her cheerful self again...
Sent via BlackBerry from Maxis
10months of Pure Joy!
My sweetheart turned 10months last week... Almost 4 weeks since her last bottle of milk... I have been crazy with worry over her development, but she has proven to be strong and wonderfully smart.. alhamdulillah...still looking and praying to find some nutritious goodness that she would like. Oh well... :)
On a lighter note... My sweet jellybean has started to walk... As though a pressie for mummy dear, she walked right into my arms and danced a merry tune on her birthday! I counted more than 10 steps though sometimes less since she's still finding her balance. But with this new sense of confidence, she no longer clings to other to help her tatih, but would pull herself up and try to walk... Or even climb onto higher surfaces. She's becoming more and more active! :)
Just last week she managed to crawl up on the mini slide all by herself and slide back down on her tummy! Hehehehe... I was surprised and happy to see my baby so happy playing around with her cousins.
At 10months she has started to imitate the sounds that she hears... So of her words? Nanak, duduk, kakak, dadad, papa... The rest are still a jumble and sometimes she would start telling you stories... It's really fun to hear... Hehehe...
I didn't notice this before but she also loves to dance! Hehehe... She would start waving her hand and do a jiggle with her body to the sound of the music... Though the music selection is limited to the beat of her musical drum, mummy's walking chant and barney's butterfly and bubble shape song... :p
10months has been an initiation to her temper tantrums as she shows her mummy and daddy what she thinks of us saying no to what she wants... The many many lists that she protests to includes watching Barney before her bedtime. She can cry for a long time to show her displeasure. Tsk tsk...
What has she eaten? Basically anything under the sun since mummy can't be too picky... But what is always a must is her chicken porridge with broccoli, carrots, tofu, spinach and potatoes... Fruits that she loves are strawberries, jambu air, pears and apples... Biscuits? Marks & Spencer animal biscuits... Had her first taste of fries (and loves them! Urgh), cheese, yogurt, milo, bread, nasi lemak and nasi ayam... :)
On a closing note... She can now show you what food she wants to eat or grab her bottle when she wants a drink... It came as a surprise one morning when her papa asked her to drink some water... And she went and grab her bottle... *cry* ... My baby's so grown up! Love u my sayang... My cuddle muffin top... Muah!
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On a lighter note... My sweet jellybean has started to walk... As though a pressie for mummy dear, she walked right into my arms and danced a merry tune on her birthday! I counted more than 10 steps though sometimes less since she's still finding her balance. But with this new sense of confidence, she no longer clings to other to help her tatih, but would pull herself up and try to walk... Or even climb onto higher surfaces. She's becoming more and more active! :)
Just last week she managed to crawl up on the mini slide all by herself and slide back down on her tummy! Hehehehe... I was surprised and happy to see my baby so happy playing around with her cousins.
At 10months she has started to imitate the sounds that she hears... So of her words? Nanak, duduk, kakak, dadad, papa... The rest are still a jumble and sometimes she would start telling you stories... It's really fun to hear... Hehehe...
I didn't notice this before but she also loves to dance! Hehehe... She would start waving her hand and do a jiggle with her body to the sound of the music... Though the music selection is limited to the beat of her musical drum, mummy's walking chant and barney's butterfly and bubble shape song... :p
10months has been an initiation to her temper tantrums as she shows her mummy and daddy what she thinks of us saying no to what she wants... The many many lists that she protests to includes watching Barney before her bedtime. She can cry for a long time to show her displeasure. Tsk tsk...
What has she eaten? Basically anything under the sun since mummy can't be too picky... But what is always a must is her chicken porridge with broccoli, carrots, tofu, spinach and potatoes... Fruits that she loves are strawberries, jambu air, pears and apples... Biscuits? Marks & Spencer animal biscuits... Had her first taste of fries (and loves them! Urgh), cheese, yogurt, milo, bread, nasi lemak and nasi ayam... :)
On a closing note... She can now show you what food she wants to eat or grab her bottle when she wants a drink... It came as a surprise one morning when her papa asked her to drink some water... And she went and grab her bottle... *cry* ... My baby's so grown up! Love u my sayang... My cuddle muffin top... Muah!
Sent via BlackBerry from Maxis
Thursday, December 1, 2011
My Sweet Jellybean just turning 10 months :)
Who can resist her cheeky smile... My love, heart and angel... Happy 10months birthday sayang... You're sick today with fever and sniffles... But u still made us smile with your chattering and smiles in the morning... Love you!
Friday, November 18, 2011
Climb up, up and up....!
This has long since been happening... but I'm not actually sure when, maybe when she was 8 months...she has started to climb on anything that can get her higher and higher..... usually if we're at my Subang house, she will try to climb from the bed into the crib... and from the crib onto the fridge! The fridge is just a short one... but the fall is a definitely looooong one... so I try to discourage her from this dangerous activity. Nowadays she likes to climb on the pillows to get on top of the coffee table or on the couch... and her extra adventure? Climbing the window grill... tsk tsk... haven't seen this act yet but have heard many stories from my MIL and her nanny.
So when we go out and she's restless I would let her stand (supervised of course!) in her stroller and she would be happy bee trying to find a way to practically climb up or out of the stroller. Hehehehe.... mummy would get very tired then trying to stop her from hurling herself out of the stroller. She also loves to climb the slide at the kajang house and has gotten good at it... she even knows how to go down the slide... mummy's holding her of course... but the first few times when I would slide her down, she dig in her heels and I would have to lift her feet to make her go down smoothly... now she lifts her feet automatically and smile or shout with glee when she goes down the slide... hehehe... such a big girl already! :)
She came crawl up the stairs well though there isn't much of a problem here since she doesn't get curious every time she sees the stairs like Farel was when he was in his crawling days... but she does like to go up the mid landway in my Subang house (it has two stairs on each side) that separates the two living rooms... and she currently trying to learn how to go down the stairs. She somehow has figured out that she can't go head first... I can see in her hesitations as she tries to 'feel' the lower stairs with her finger tips... next she would try to get her feet down... this is of course the correct way.. but she is still unsure and won't actually put the foot down and pulls back at the last minute... :) well, at least she's careful...
Ok, that's all for now... I have so many updates on Jellybean... and so many missed out picture opportunity... Will try and take some shots this weekend during her Gymboree class... oh did I mention I enrolled her there? hehehe... more on that later ;)
So when we go out and she's restless I would let her stand (supervised of course!) in her stroller and she would be happy bee trying to find a way to practically climb up or out of the stroller. Hehehehe.... mummy would get very tired then trying to stop her from hurling herself out of the stroller. She also loves to climb the slide at the kajang house and has gotten good at it... she even knows how to go down the slide... mummy's holding her of course... but the first few times when I would slide her down, she dig in her heels and I would have to lift her feet to make her go down smoothly... now she lifts her feet automatically and smile or shout with glee when she goes down the slide... hehehe... such a big girl already! :)
She came crawl up the stairs well though there isn't much of a problem here since she doesn't get curious every time she sees the stairs like Farel was when he was in his crawling days... but she does like to go up the mid landway in my Subang house (it has two stairs on each side) that separates the two living rooms... and she currently trying to learn how to go down the stairs. She somehow has figured out that she can't go head first... I can see in her hesitations as she tries to 'feel' the lower stairs with her finger tips... next she would try to get her feet down... this is of course the correct way.. but she is still unsure and won't actually put the foot down and pulls back at the last minute... :) well, at least she's careful...
Ok, that's all for now... I have so many updates on Jellybean... and so many missed out picture opportunity... Will try and take some shots this weekend during her Gymboree class... oh did I mention I enrolled her there? hehehe... more on that later ;)
Monday, November 14, 2011
No milk baby...
It has been 2 weeks since my baby drank her last bottle... and if it was just the bottle that she was refusing... it would not be such a problem.... but instead she has refused to take in any milk....
So this mummy has to learn to be a little creative and a little sneaky... oh my sweetie Jellybean... if you are reading this in the future, do know that you have made mummy sick with worry over your growth and obsessed over simple things such as ..."what could be in that one piece of cookie?"... Needless to say... I have been in and out of stores looking for some or any kinds of food that is high in calcium and high in iron so that you could have the proper nutrients in your diet. I wish it was as simple as passing you a bowl of tofu or having you gobble down a carts of yogurt.... but you seem to start being a picky eater, in that you like grown up food... minus tofu or yogurt... hehehehe....
This weekend was an eye opener when you munch down daddy's nasi lemak happily and also shared Didik Lis's nasi ayam... you loved 'em! Hehehe... if only you were a little older and with more teeth my sayang, I wouldn't be so worried. But I have changed your everyday diet to include normal rice soaked in vege/chicken soup... of course you still have to have your oats so that I can sneak in a little milk...
I'm not giving up though... Planning to make mac and cheese for you on Wed ... more calcium enriched goodness... and I hope I think I'll make those grilled anchovies to be added to your daily soup so that you can have some iron as well...
Did you know that iron can be better absorbed when taken with vitamin c... ie some fruits for dessert after an iron enriched meal? Still going over that bit and trying to decide how I can incorporate that into your everyday diet... needless to won't have anything but plain water... mummy is very happy with that... but when mummy is counting vitamins and nutrients... now would be a good time for you to start accepting fruit juices... :P
Oh well... you seemed lighter to me... and that worries me... so I have made an appointment with your doctor... we're going to see the professionals in this and see if you're doing well...
Btw, you might have stopped asking for your milk at 2am or 5 am... but you do sometimes wake up for a little morning snack at 4am... hehehe... your heinz biscuits... water ... and some barney entertainment....before you promptly snooze back into your wonderful baby dreams....
*sigh* My little jellybean..... from the start of conceiving you, you have never ceased to amaze me... wonder to wonder you've brought me... This is certainly a new experience since no one and no baby I've known refuses to drink milk/bottle this early... don't grow up so fast little baby... mummy still misses your sweet cuddles as you fall asleep on my chest when you were just a couple of months old... and mummy still can't get over that you no longer make your sweet baby sounds... now I look at your unused bottles and miss the closeness in having you in my arms as you drink your milk... you fingers would clutch at my finger and your other hand would be playing and twisting my shirt...
Love you baby..... my prayers are always for your happiness, safety and health...
So this mummy has to learn to be a little creative and a little sneaky... oh my sweetie Jellybean... if you are reading this in the future, do know that you have made mummy sick with worry over your growth and obsessed over simple things such as ..."what could be in that one piece of cookie?"... Needless to say... I have been in and out of stores looking for some or any kinds of food that is high in calcium and high in iron so that you could have the proper nutrients in your diet. I wish it was as simple as passing you a bowl of tofu or having you gobble down a carts of yogurt.... but you seem to start being a picky eater, in that you like grown up food... minus tofu or yogurt... hehehehe....
This weekend was an eye opener when you munch down daddy's nasi lemak happily and also shared Didik Lis's nasi ayam... you loved 'em! Hehehe... if only you were a little older and with more teeth my sayang, I wouldn't be so worried. But I have changed your everyday diet to include normal rice soaked in vege/chicken soup... of course you still have to have your oats so that I can sneak in a little milk...
I'm not giving up though... Planning to make mac and cheese for you on Wed ... more calcium enriched goodness... and I hope I think I'll make those grilled anchovies to be added to your daily soup so that you can have some iron as well...
Did you know that iron can be better absorbed when taken with vitamin c... ie some fruits for dessert after an iron enriched meal? Still going over that bit and trying to decide how I can incorporate that into your everyday diet... needless to won't have anything but plain water... mummy is very happy with that... but when mummy is counting vitamins and nutrients... now would be a good time for you to start accepting fruit juices... :P
Oh well... you seemed lighter to me... and that worries me... so I have made an appointment with your doctor... we're going to see the professionals in this and see if you're doing well...
Btw, you might have stopped asking for your milk at 2am or 5 am... but you do sometimes wake up for a little morning snack at 4am... hehehe... your heinz biscuits... water ... and some barney entertainment....before you promptly snooze back into your wonderful baby dreams....
*sigh* My little jellybean..... from the start of conceiving you, you have never ceased to amaze me... wonder to wonder you've brought me... This is certainly a new experience since no one and no baby I've known refuses to drink milk/bottle this early... don't grow up so fast little baby... mummy still misses your sweet cuddles as you fall asleep on my chest when you were just a couple of months old... and mummy still can't get over that you no longer make your sweet baby sounds... now I look at your unused bottles and miss the closeness in having you in my arms as you drink your milk... you fingers would clutch at my finger and your other hand would be playing and twisting my shirt...
Love you baby..... my prayers are always for your happiness, safety and health...
Sunday, November 13, 2011
My last post was at one of my lowest point... and throughout the day I started looking online for help in dealing with the issue, trying to understand the situation. What did I find? That it seems a little common for a baby to choose a certain someone that they get especially close to. This is because they are going through their separation anxiety stage... and I seem to find one of the most peak time during which this happens is when they are around 9 months.
There are some suggestions suggested by the experts:
1. Always smile and be happy when you see your baby, even when you're deeply stressed out
2. When you baby is crying and try to reach for another person, don't get angry because they can actually feel the negative vibe and be confuse; instead act excited and let her have her way for now
3. After coming home, have the person taking care of your baby participate in getting your baby excited to see you such as cheering when you walk in the door and always saying your name throughout the day in an excited and happy voice
4. Spend a lot of quality time when you can to bond with your baby
At first, I balked at the suggestions because in my mind if I gave her the chance to walk away from me... then what time do I get with her.... but for want to make it better... I decided to give the suggestions a try...
I walked in from work to find her, as always cuddled up to her nanny... and when I wanted to take her... she turned away... usually I would just take her and whisk her away... but that day, I laughed and showed her a toy I was holding... and in an excited voice started to tease her... "look what mummy has.... siapa punya nie?"... She immediately smiled and thank goodness for small favors, her nanny started participating... "eh... mummy ade ape tue?"
As Jellybean reached out for her maracas, I held out my arms and with only a little hesitancy, she let me pull her into my arms... and I quickly carried her outside to look at the birds and sky... I kept up a steady chatter and kisses throughout the evening and when she wanted to go to her nanny or grandma... i kissed her and let her go... and I slowly noticed the difference in a few hours... she no longer cries or whines when she sees them... she was more relaxed and was able to play and babble on her own... no longer clingy to their clothes...
And by the next day... she was all mine... :)
Of course when the weekday starts and I get to spend less time with her, she starts to resists being with me again... but I am learning... to give her a little space... and a little time... to smile and persuade rather than take... and to sometimes just let her be... even though what I want most was to just have her cuddled right up next to me.
In return? She starts to ask for me now... in fact sometimes she just wants me there to be with her and play with her... and when she sees me after work... she gets excited and immediately comes to have me pick her up...and when she hears me singing her favorite bed time songs... she sits still to listen with her blankie... or immediately stands up to show that she still wants to play...
That's motherhood I guess... I have a lot more to learn and I hope that I can dig up more patience to withstand the bountiful emotional times that's bound to hit once a while...
9 months of pure joy and true love... 9 months of learning... 9 months of trying to be a better me....
There are some suggestions suggested by the experts:
1. Always smile and be happy when you see your baby, even when you're deeply stressed out
2. When you baby is crying and try to reach for another person, don't get angry because they can actually feel the negative vibe and be confuse; instead act excited and let her have her way for now
3. After coming home, have the person taking care of your baby participate in getting your baby excited to see you such as cheering when you walk in the door and always saying your name throughout the day in an excited and happy voice
4. Spend a lot of quality time when you can to bond with your baby
At first, I balked at the suggestions because in my mind if I gave her the chance to walk away from me... then what time do I get with her.... but for want to make it better... I decided to give the suggestions a try...
I walked in from work to find her, as always cuddled up to her nanny... and when I wanted to take her... she turned away... usually I would just take her and whisk her away... but that day, I laughed and showed her a toy I was holding... and in an excited voice started to tease her... "look what mummy has.... siapa punya nie?"... She immediately smiled and thank goodness for small favors, her nanny started participating... "eh... mummy ade ape tue?"
As Jellybean reached out for her maracas, I held out my arms and with only a little hesitancy, she let me pull her into my arms... and I quickly carried her outside to look at the birds and sky... I kept up a steady chatter and kisses throughout the evening and when she wanted to go to her nanny or grandma... i kissed her and let her go... and I slowly noticed the difference in a few hours... she no longer cries or whines when she sees them... she was more relaxed and was able to play and babble on her own... no longer clingy to their clothes...
And by the next day... she was all mine... :)
Of course when the weekday starts and I get to spend less time with her, she starts to resists being with me again... but I am learning... to give her a little space... and a little time... to smile and persuade rather than take... and to sometimes just let her be... even though what I want most was to just have her cuddled right up next to me.
In return? She starts to ask for me now... in fact sometimes she just wants me there to be with her and play with her... and when she sees me after work... she gets excited and immediately comes to have me pick her up...and when she hears me singing her favorite bed time songs... she sits still to listen with her blankie... or immediately stands up to show that she still wants to play...
That's motherhood I guess... I have a lot more to learn and I hope that I can dig up more patience to withstand the bountiful emotional times that's bound to hit once a while...
9 months of pure joy and true love... 9 months of learning... 9 months of trying to be a better me....
Friday, November 4, 2011
Depressed part...
Hehehe... last entry was on the stressed part... now let's start on the depressed part...
I have been going round my circle of friends (as small as it is) and asking how other working mums are coping with their little ones... especially those that are in the care of their nannies... and it seems to me, all seems to be doing well... I have yet to hear of a complain or a sigh or even a little frown...
But there begins my story of how unwell I am coping with my sweetheart and her nanny... she has become superbly attached to her and every time I try to take her away when I get home from work... she refuses... or only stay in my arms just for a few minutes before trying to reach out for her nanny and crying out as though I had somehow done something horrible to her. I would usually just pretend like it doesn't matter and take her away... screaming and struggling to my room... she would eventually calm down and we have ourselves some good quality time playing... sometimes...
There are times I am unable to distract her or entertain her enough that she'll just be cranky and upset... until I bring her down... where she'll know that her nanny is around... and when she sees her nanny? The crying and struggling and pushing me away starts all over again.
There were a couple of episodes at night or day when she would wake up and cry... inconsolable by me... and I think it's because she's actually crying to get to her nanny... but I have a rule since she was 1 day old... no one tends to her at night except me or hubby... that is our personal time together. So during these couple of times... I would just try as best as I can to be patient and strong for us... she eventually tired herself out and fell asleep in my arms... oh no big deal... it only took nearly 3 hours of crying and screaming in the middle of the night.... but I am willing...
Nowadays when I come home from work... she will just ignore me... and her current favorite is with her nanny or my mum... her grandma... she holds out her hand and smile her sweet smile... she'll sit still and play her toys happily... If I try to take her away... which I do frequently... she'll cry... and try her hardest to go back to them (whoever it is I took her from). And I must admit that every time this happens... my heart breaks a little... It has come to a point that even when she wakes up in the morning and sees me... she no longer smiles... just looks at me and tries to get off the bed... to go where? I don't really know... I tried putting her on the floor today... just to see where she'll go... and she turned back to me and frowned... so I got on the floor and held out my arms... she took my hand and stood... a sure sign that she wanted me to take her for a 'walk' somewhere... I guess I wasn't surprised when that walk turned out to be to my mum's room and her walking straight into her grandma's arms... and refuse to leave her side after that...
To be continued....
I have been going round my circle of friends (as small as it is) and asking how other working mums are coping with their little ones... especially those that are in the care of their nannies... and it seems to me, all seems to be doing well... I have yet to hear of a complain or a sigh or even a little frown...
But there begins my story of how unwell I am coping with my sweetheart and her nanny... she has become superbly attached to her and every time I try to take her away when I get home from work... she refuses... or only stay in my arms just for a few minutes before trying to reach out for her nanny and crying out as though I had somehow done something horrible to her. I would usually just pretend like it doesn't matter and take her away... screaming and struggling to my room... she would eventually calm down and we have ourselves some good quality time playing... sometimes...
There are times I am unable to distract her or entertain her enough that she'll just be cranky and upset... until I bring her down... where she'll know that her nanny is around... and when she sees her nanny? The crying and struggling and pushing me away starts all over again.
There were a couple of episodes at night or day when she would wake up and cry... inconsolable by me... and I think it's because she's actually crying to get to her nanny... but I have a rule since she was 1 day old... no one tends to her at night except me or hubby... that is our personal time together. So during these couple of times... I would just try as best as I can to be patient and strong for us... she eventually tired herself out and fell asleep in my arms... oh no big deal... it only took nearly 3 hours of crying and screaming in the middle of the night.... but I am willing...
Nowadays when I come home from work... she will just ignore me... and her current favorite is with her nanny or my mum... her grandma... she holds out her hand and smile her sweet smile... she'll sit still and play her toys happily... If I try to take her away... which I do frequently... she'll cry... and try her hardest to go back to them (whoever it is I took her from). And I must admit that every time this happens... my heart breaks a little... It has come to a point that even when she wakes up in the morning and sees me... she no longer smiles... just looks at me and tries to get off the bed... to go where? I don't really know... I tried putting her on the floor today... just to see where she'll go... and she turned back to me and frowned... so I got on the floor and held out my arms... she took my hand and stood... a sure sign that she wanted me to take her for a 'walk' somewhere... I guess I wasn't surprised when that walk turned out to be to my mum's room and her walking straight into her grandma's arms... and refuse to leave her side after that...
To be continued....
Stressed & Depressed
Stressed & depressed... Wow... what a way to start an entry... hehehe...
My baby turned 9 months 4 days ago... at her 9 months stage:
So there... my baby at 9 months... refuse to take in any more milk. I do try to compensate though... after through research... hehehe.. which involves numerous hours googling articles and forums for families facing the same ordeal... I found that most try to give their babies cheese (though I don't know what kind since Shiya has no teeth to eat properly) and yogurt. This is to ensure that she gets enough calcium and iron in her diet.
I have also made it mandatory for her to eat her rusks or rice/oat cereal so that we could add a little milk in. Now any new foods introduced will be those with high calcium content and preferable if we could mix a little milk in so that at least she would be getting some needed nutrients. I have yet to consult her paed on other alternatives that might help... *sigh*
Gonna start her on yogurt tomorrow and also on steamed tofu... hope she likes these new dishes...
My baby turned 9 months 4 days ago... at her 9 months stage:
- she has two tiny teeth that is just peaking out at the gums
- her vocab included..."mumumum", "dadada", "papapapa", "mamamama", "lalalala"
- loves to scream... I mean really, literally scream... when she's excited, upset, angry
- loves to hold on to your hand and walk around everywhere
- pays close attention whenever Barney is on the TV
- her favorite is still Wheels on The Bus and I'm a Little Teapot (which her mummy always uses to distract her whenever she's in one of her temper tantrums)
- will climb on tables or couches if given the opportunity
- hates playing by herself still, she has to have a 'teman'
- shows preference to toys that she can 'bang' her hands on
- gets excited when you play peek a boo with her... she'll start searching for you if you suddenly disappears
- gets jealous of other babies/kids... but only with her nanny
- can fall asleep listening to mummy humming Que Sera Sera (how to spell? :P )
- Recognises voices and follows the sound
- Can stand without support and sometimes grab a toy while standing
- Can take 1-2 steps... though has only been witnessed by her nanny and grandpa
So there... my baby at 9 months... refuse to take in any more milk. I do try to compensate though... after through research... hehehe.. which involves numerous hours googling articles and forums for families facing the same ordeal... I found that most try to give their babies cheese (though I don't know what kind since Shiya has no teeth to eat properly) and yogurt. This is to ensure that she gets enough calcium and iron in her diet.
I have also made it mandatory for her to eat her rusks or rice/oat cereal so that we could add a little milk in. Now any new foods introduced will be those with high calcium content and preferable if we could mix a little milk in so that at least she would be getting some needed nutrients. I have yet to consult her paed on other alternatives that might help... *sigh*
Gonna start her on yogurt tomorrow and also on steamed tofu... hope she likes these new dishes...
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
This past couple of weeks I have been experimenting with new ways to go to work... car pooling with my bff or mum... and using the LRT as a mode of transport from the Kerinchi station to KLCC. So far it has been good and let me tell you.. every time I go buy other modes of transport... I am actually saving like RM17.50 per day! Never realised how much I spend just going to work... This is not even taking into account the cost of petrol... tsk tsk
Anyhow... back to the topic... the few times that I have taken the LRT, it was easy going and though I couldn't sit down... there are plenty of room to breathe.. So no trouble there... but there are times that there is just huge crowd of people bustling in... I guess I am there at the peak time when everyone is just crazy mad to go to work so there I was, stuck in a crushed up trailer (is that what it's called??)
Going with the LRT, you really have to have the 'menyelit' skills... hehehe... if you don't... you'll never get to work...:P cos sometimes the trains are just so full that you have to slide through and hold on for dear life until you get to your destination. This will of course mean that you have to have minimal baggage and proper shoes that are comfy enough to get you through the ride. :) hehehe, just yesterday I had to go through 3 doors just to get enough space for me to get in... for some reason the train was packed... even at 5.35pm... a tip... never try to get onto an LRT at KL Sentral/Masjid Jamek.... it's packed and full... can't say KLCC since that's my destination everyday (but yes, this is super full too... duh, it's like the centre for everyone, tourists and locals) :P
Though maybe I am still new at this, I find that enjoy the experience... even if I was stuck in a meshed up trains a few times already... I get to work on a scheduled time... not depending on the condition of traffic... basically I am there in 20 mins from the station... and best of all is that I get to skip the KL traffic when I go back from work... out of KL in 20 mins... ahh... bliss... :P
oh well.. that's my take on my LRT rides...
Anyhow... back to the topic... the few times that I have taken the LRT, it was easy going and though I couldn't sit down... there are plenty of room to breathe.. So no trouble there... but there are times that there is just huge crowd of people bustling in... I guess I am there at the peak time when everyone is just crazy mad to go to work so there I was, stuck in a crushed up trailer (is that what it's called??)
Going with the LRT, you really have to have the 'menyelit' skills... hehehe... if you don't... you'll never get to work...:P cos sometimes the trains are just so full that you have to slide through and hold on for dear life until you get to your destination. This will of course mean that you have to have minimal baggage and proper shoes that are comfy enough to get you through the ride. :) hehehe, just yesterday I had to go through 3 doors just to get enough space for me to get in... for some reason the train was packed... even at 5.35pm... a tip... never try to get onto an LRT at KL Sentral/Masjid Jamek.... it's packed and full... can't say KLCC since that's my destination everyday (but yes, this is super full too... duh, it's like the centre for everyone, tourists and locals) :P
Though maybe I am still new at this, I find that enjoy the experience... even if I was stuck in a meshed up trains a few times already... I get to work on a scheduled time... not depending on the condition of traffic... basically I am there in 20 mins from the station... and best of all is that I get to skip the KL traffic when I go back from work... out of KL in 20 mins... ahh... bliss... :P
oh well.. that's my take on my LRT rides...
Friday, October 7, 2011
First Teeth
At 8 months my baby girl has her first teeth... it's still at the gum level though it has peeked out and if you look really closely you can see the little whitey slit at her bottom gum... and if you put your fingers in... you can definitely feel it poking back... :P
So Tokma has gotten her another tooth brush in anticipation of the teeth coming out soon... that makes a total of 3 toothbrush so far... hehehe....
So Tokma has gotten her another tooth brush in anticipation of the teeth coming out soon... that makes a total of 3 toothbrush so far... hehehe....
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
I Love You
"Setiap nafas yg dihembus, setiap degupan jantung... aku selalu memikirkan mu...
Dalam sedar dibuai anggan, dalam tidur dan khayalan... aku selalu memikirkan mu...
Ternyata ku perlukan cinta ... dari dirimu sayang... baru lah terasa ku bernyawa...
Kasihku... ku amat mencintai kamu..."
Have you heard the song from Annuar Zain? Sedetik Lebih... a beautiful song... that reminds me of my sweetheart Jellybean...
Sometimes it scares me how much I love her... and need her... always to be with me... the pefect moment is the when she smiles... the perfect day is a day spent wholly with her...
The perfect time is when she's cuddled next to me.. and the sound of laughter just sends the greatest joy within me...
She's the part of me that is perfect in every way... I love her so much... there is nothing I wouldn't give up or give in...
"Biarlah kehilangan semua yang dimiliki di dunia... asal masih adanya kamu..."
Dalam sedar dibuai anggan, dalam tidur dan khayalan... aku selalu memikirkan mu...
Ternyata ku perlukan cinta ... dari dirimu sayang... baru lah terasa ku bernyawa...
Kasihku... ku amat mencintai kamu..."
Have you heard the song from Annuar Zain? Sedetik Lebih... a beautiful song... that reminds me of my sweetheart Jellybean...
Sometimes it scares me how much I love her... and need her... always to be with me... the pefect moment is the when she smiles... the perfect day is a day spent wholly with her...
The perfect time is when she's cuddled next to me.. and the sound of laughter just sends the greatest joy within me...
She's the part of me that is perfect in every way... I love her so much... there is nothing I wouldn't give up or give in...
"Biarlah kehilangan semua yang dimiliki di dunia... asal masih adanya kamu..."
Shiya at 2 weeks old |
Look... a Fat Bird look a like |
Jellybean at 7 months |
Her sweet 8 months self... :) |
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Jellybean's first trip!
It has been a tradition (in a sort of way) since we got married that every year we would fly off to Jakarta for a weekend holiday with my in-laws... the first trip was when the boys were just little babies... and the next was just shy a few weeks before my love was conceived... this year... we had the pleasure of bringing her with us to our weekend getaway.
It was short and sweet... the plane trip was the most worrisome as we weren't sure how Shiya would react to the changing pressure. Being cranky because she couldn't crawl about the airport... she was a bit upset to be squished up in the economy class seat... hahaha... mummy's own diva :P
But she soon quiet down for the take off when I passed her her favourite baby bites... :) all is well for the brief 2 hour flight.. well as well as can be given that Jellybean was a little cranky... but who can blame her when she was a little hungry and thirsty... a valuable lesson for mummy... one that I took to heart for the trip back to Malaysia...
We arrived at our hotel, Grand Hayatt and had a merry time once we got our rooms... Jellybean was of course the happiest... after being cramped up for nearly 8 hours.. she can finally crawle about and scamper to her heart's content... and played peek-a-boo with mummy... :)
The fondest memory I have of the trip is her waking me up the next morning with kisses to my cheeks... she blew her kisses on my face and needless to say, drenched me with her yumminess... hahahaha... she was in such a playful mood! And on that day we celebrated her 8 months birthday. We went shopping after, finding her some toys as a gift and mummy and daddy treated ourselves to some yummy drinks at our favourite Starbucks... All this while my sweetheart was the perfect angel... smiling and playing with her new toys... the jingle thingy that until now seems to be her current favourite...
How the weekend just flew by! Before you know it, it was already time to leave... the journey home was a lot more calmer and speedy... Jellybean slept the whole way :P
Well sayang... you've earned mummy a new charm on your milestone bracelet... here's a wish for many more trips with you... and I must say... you've spoilt me with your endless love and sweetness.....
Other pics will be uploaded soon ;)
All ready for the flight out ;) |
Monday, October 3, 2011
Have you ever just wondered about happened to old you? Suddenly you start to remember how you were back then... Way when you were more... Well, what seemed to be you... And now... When you're a different you...
So who are you actually... The former crazy, silly you... Or now... The more lazy and down to earth you? It's confusing at times...
But life is all about changing I guess... and what else is life about if not to change for the better yea? So maybe a little crazy and silly should e in order... With a dash of lazy and down to earth, if only to keep you grounded... Hehehehe... Food for though before I sleep... Nitez!
Btw, my baby just turned 8 months 2 days ago! :D
My baby and me... lazying on a Mon afternoon...pure love |
Sent via BlackBerry from Maxis
Thursday, September 29, 2011
My new passion in cooking...
I hardly ever cook. every year I can practically count how many dishes I have cooked... hahaha... I guess I am the buy and eat type. In all honesty, I find that it's much more cheaper. I don't know whether it's the dishes I choose to cook or the ingredients that I choose but we always seem to spend lots of money when we try and eat in then if we just go to pelita for dinner/lunch/breakie.
Anyhow, this week I have tried to change and start on a new project... cook economically and expand my mastery in the kitchen. Well, maybe getting the groceries at Cold Storage wasn't exactly economical... but hey, when you're working and pressed for time... it's a great start yea? :P
So this week I have cooked chicken curry, beef curry, ayam merah and burgers... well the burger is a cheat on my part... I used Darabif burger patty that is oh so yummy! Anyhow, it has been a great success this week... all the food was finished (main contributor is that I cooked in super small amounts - in case tak jadi) and it was yummy.... :) especially the ayam masak merah... I have cooked this dish before, but usually I would use chillie boh bought from the shop for the tumisan. This time I made my own from dried chillie, onions, garlic and tomato... so the outcome was superb! :D oops... over pulak puji diri...
1. chili kering
2. bawang besar (kuning)
3. bawang besar (merah)
4. garlic
5. tomato
6. ayam
7. potato
- first you need to blend the chili kering with the bawangs and garlic...add on tomato
- in a hot pan, masak a little bit of bawang till its soft and yummy
- then masuk kan the chili paste and fry till you can smell it's cooked (you'll notice that it has lost it's pungent chili/onion smell and is softer to the nose.. there is also oil rising up... the color is also changed to a deeper/greasier red)
- some sugar and salt
- masuk kan ayam and potato (u can have these pre fried to make it easier and cut the cooking time)
- when it looks almost cooked, put in some potato and a dap of tomato sauce
Voila! ;)
Sorry no pics available... was too tired from all the cooking to care much about taking pictures :P
Anyhow, this week I have tried to change and start on a new project... cook economically and expand my mastery in the kitchen. Well, maybe getting the groceries at Cold Storage wasn't exactly economical... but hey, when you're working and pressed for time... it's a great start yea? :P
So this week I have cooked chicken curry, beef curry, ayam merah and burgers... well the burger is a cheat on my part... I used Darabif burger patty that is oh so yummy! Anyhow, it has been a great success this week... all the food was finished (main contributor is that I cooked in super small amounts - in case tak jadi) and it was yummy.... :) especially the ayam masak merah... I have cooked this dish before, but usually I would use chillie boh bought from the shop for the tumisan. This time I made my own from dried chillie, onions, garlic and tomato... so the outcome was superb! :D oops... over pulak puji diri...
1. chili kering
2. bawang besar (kuning)
3. bawang besar (merah)
4. garlic
5. tomato
6. ayam
7. potato
- first you need to blend the chili kering with the bawangs and garlic...add on tomato
- in a hot pan, masak a little bit of bawang till its soft and yummy
- then masuk kan the chili paste and fry till you can smell it's cooked (you'll notice that it has lost it's pungent chili/onion smell and is softer to the nose.. there is also oil rising up... the color is also changed to a deeper/greasier red)
- some sugar and salt
- masuk kan ayam and potato (u can have these pre fried to make it easier and cut the cooking time)
- when it looks almost cooked, put in some potato and a dap of tomato sauce
Voila! ;)
Sorry no pics available... was too tired from all the cooking to care much about taking pictures :P
Empire no more??
Subang is slowly becoming one of those places that you love and hate at the same time. You hate the bustling nature of the traffic and people... everywhere you go at all times of the day you're sure to get stuck in traffic... but... you absolutely love it.
Because of the convenience of having everything and I mean EVERYTHING at your fingertips... name it... food, entertainment, shops, schools, mosque, car services, spa treatment... and the latest... movie theatre... everything is there and within distance. For someone who lives half the month in Subang and half the month in Kajang area, believe me... you'll feel the difference when you have to travel way out of your way to find a good grocery shop just to make chicken porridge for your baby! :P
Anyhow, one major nice contributor to the rising sun and shine of Subang is Empire Mall. The first time it opened, I had my doubts... but the more you go there, the more you start to appreciate the fact that it's there... Jaya Grocer offers some nice choice of grocery list item selection such as for baby food and baby formula... and the price is quite cheap if you compare to the likes of Cold Storage or Carrefour. Then there is the many and many selection of restaurants from fancy to all time fav coffee bean... Last but certainly not least... there is Kizsports...
Shiya sweetie pie has only been there 3 times and already she loves to play the slide and the balls at the big ball pool... In fact we were supposed to go there last weekend but due to some timing error we didn't actually made it there.
There was some shocking news yesterday morning. Apparently due to gas leakage (so they say), there was a major explosion at Empire Mall! From the pictures it looks very bad and basically everything is ruined. Needless to say that it's closed until further notice. I know a lot of people that I love/care about/know goes there in an almost daily basis... thank goodness that it happened at 3.45am where there are minimal people around. Even then there were still 4 people who were injured.
As my sis was saying, now that there is an explosion, the place is dangerous to go to... you never know if the structure is still sound and strong. For all we know, time is all it needs to totally collapsed! Such a scary thought! Oh well... I will miss empire... many nice memories there...
Because of the convenience of having everything and I mean EVERYTHING at your fingertips... name it... food, entertainment, shops, schools, mosque, car services, spa treatment... and the latest... movie theatre... everything is there and within distance. For someone who lives half the month in Subang and half the month in Kajang area, believe me... you'll feel the difference when you have to travel way out of your way to find a good grocery shop just to make chicken porridge for your baby! :P
Anyhow, one major nice contributor to the rising sun and shine of Subang is Empire Mall. The first time it opened, I had my doubts... but the more you go there, the more you start to appreciate the fact that it's there... Jaya Grocer offers some nice choice of grocery list item selection such as for baby food and baby formula... and the price is quite cheap if you compare to the likes of Cold Storage or Carrefour. Then there is the many and many selection of restaurants from fancy to all time fav coffee bean... Last but certainly not least... there is Kizsports...
Shiya sweetie pie has only been there 3 times and already she loves to play the slide and the balls at the big ball pool... In fact we were supposed to go there last weekend but due to some timing error we didn't actually made it there.
There was some shocking news yesterday morning. Apparently due to gas leakage (so they say), there was a major explosion at Empire Mall! From the pictures it looks very bad and basically everything is ruined. Needless to say that it's closed until further notice. I know a lot of people that I love/care about/know goes there in an almost daily basis... thank goodness that it happened at 3.45am where there are minimal people around. Even then there were still 4 people who were injured.
As my sis was saying, now that there is an explosion, the place is dangerous to go to... you never know if the structure is still sound and strong. For all we know, time is all it needs to totally collapsed! Such a scary thought! Oh well... I will miss empire... many nice memories there...
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Just an update...
My baby sweetie pie will be turning 8 months in 3 days! Oh my... the days are moving really fast... can you believe it... she's turning 8 months! :)
An update on my sweetie pie:
We are entering her 8th month with a bang as we're all going for a family trip to Jakarta... it'll be her first trip abroad... mummy's a bit nervous and don't really know what to expect, but super excited as it'll be a 4 day weekend bonanza with my darling baby...
Wish us luck! hehehehe.....
An update on my sweetie pie:
- She can give you kisses... with her nose or open mouth... depending on her cheeky mood :P
- She loves to cruise around... especially 'bertatih' around the house... she can't sit still now as all she wants to do is move and see the 'world'
- Her latest accomplishment is to start climbing stairs... in fact if she sees one, she'll head right over... so far I've seen her climb up to 5 steps all by herself
- She can stand and the longest she stood unsupported is around 5 seconds!
- She has clearly said 'ma' and 'pa' though her fav is 'papapapapapa'
- If she's thirsty..? she'll lick your hands when you try to wipe her mouth
- She'll show you she's sleepy when she lies flat on the floor and tries to bite the bed covers or ermmm... carpet (depends on where she's currently at)
- She absolutely loves baby bites... it's a rice rusk snack food for baby. She she finishes one and wants more, she'll start screaming and banging her hand on the table. :P
- She has started to make a high pitch sound when she's excited. It's almost as though she's singing her own melody
- She can drink well from a cup
- She has learn the art of playing... she loves to play peek-a-boo in her crib... and 'kejar2' with mummy and daddy...
- A new taste introduced to her is spinach, chicken and oats cereal
We are entering her 8th month with a bang as we're all going for a family trip to Jakarta... it'll be her first trip abroad... mummy's a bit nervous and don't really know what to expect, but super excited as it'll be a 4 day weekend bonanza with my darling baby...
Wish us luck! hehehehe.....
True Love's Kiss
Lalaa la la... "I've been dreaming of a true love's kiss..."...lla ala a.... :)
"Just find whooo yoooouuuu love... through truuuuuue love's kiss...." ....
That's my baby's kisses... my true love's kiss.....
"Just find whooo yoooouuuu love... through truuuuuue love's kiss...." ....
That's my baby's kisses... my true love's kiss.....
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Constipation Battle
I mentioned in my last entry that Jellybean was scared of the doc because of her last visit... well, the last visit had to do with her constipation problem that suddenly developed on 2 Sept...
I came to the office as usual, though a lot of my colleagues were still away for raya... The morning started out good as there were minimal traffic and no one from other departments to disturb my peace... Suddenly I got a call from hubby asking me where was the gripe water as Jellybean was having problems with her poo poo... angin kut...So I told him where to find it... I was still not that worried since my parents were home and well, everyone was there to lend a hand.
After that, I called my parents and found out that they were out doing errands. No wonder hubby dear was in a panicky mood... So I called him again, and he said he wanted to go to the clinic because Jellybean was crying too hard... I still wasn't that worried until he passed the phone to her nanny... OMG, my baby was crying to hard and loud that I knew she was in pain. I was shocked and there and then decided that I was going home.
The drive took just a few minutes, thank God to the missing Raya crowd and I was soon home to my baby. On the phone hubby told me they went to the normal clinic and the doctor... (I must write this down so that I can tell to Jellybean later) put in wet cotton to push the stool in... According to hubby lah.... hmmm... I was so skeptical I told hubby to be ready and that I was going to bring baby dear to a Paed in SS15. The nanny told me later that it wasn't wet cotton by a laxative pill to help ease the poo poo process (we later found out that the pill was not put in correctly and in fact fell out a few minutes later at home).
The Paed felt her stomach and thankfully there was no hardness to indicate a worse problem than constipation. Unfortunately for my sayang, the doctor felt that the stool was too hard for her to get it out by herself and the doctor had to *gulp* physically get it out. All this while the baby was crying and she looked at me for help and held my hand tightly asking me to pick her up. I was so sad but there was nothing that I could do but just hold her hand through the process...
I was so scared afterward to wash her bum bum as I was scared to hurt her bruised bum bum even more. A little cry here and there again whenever she has to poo poo... but she was a little bit better. I kept on wondering what had actually caused her sudden constipation and though that maybe the rice cereal that she loved so much was responsible, so I immediately changed her diet to bananas... it helped a little bit... but papaya was much better at helping her poo poo... this is when I found out that she was allergic to it. A little bit will cause rashes to appear on her face and neck...we immediately stopped that and continued with the banana.
That was 2 weeks ago. And still her stool comes out as beef patty like.. It's no longer hurting her... but I don't think it's healthy for her tummy either... until last weekend. We changed her milk from Anmum to Frisolac... She loves the milk (we previously tried to change to Mamex, but she hates it as much as she hates S26)! And even better than that is her stool changed to a mashed soft texture that she should have been getting... oohhh... I am so happy for her... it's been 2 days and so far so good... :)
Well, now you know why she suddenly hates doctors... I can just imagine how hurt she had been during the last visit. She has a good memory now and somehow knows when she's with a doc ... Poor baby, I hope she'll be able to put the incident behind her... I also hope that she doesn't have to go through anything so painful again. I truly cannot watch her crying like that ever again... I wish to take all the pain away... Biar lah mummy yang sakit... demam ke... as long as Jellybean is well, healthy and happy...
I came to the office as usual, though a lot of my colleagues were still away for raya... The morning started out good as there were minimal traffic and no one from other departments to disturb my peace... Suddenly I got a call from hubby asking me where was the gripe water as Jellybean was having problems with her poo poo... angin kut...So I told him where to find it... I was still not that worried since my parents were home and well, everyone was there to lend a hand.
After that, I called my parents and found out that they were out doing errands. No wonder hubby dear was in a panicky mood... So I called him again, and he said he wanted to go to the clinic because Jellybean was crying too hard... I still wasn't that worried until he passed the phone to her nanny... OMG, my baby was crying to hard and loud that I knew she was in pain. I was shocked and there and then decided that I was going home.
The drive took just a few minutes, thank God to the missing Raya crowd and I was soon home to my baby. On the phone hubby told me they went to the normal clinic and the doctor... (I must write this down so that I can tell to Jellybean later) put in wet cotton to push the stool in... According to hubby lah.... hmmm... I was so skeptical I told hubby to be ready and that I was going to bring baby dear to a Paed in SS15. The nanny told me later that it wasn't wet cotton by a laxative pill to help ease the poo poo process (we later found out that the pill was not put in correctly and in fact fell out a few minutes later at home).
The Paed felt her stomach and thankfully there was no hardness to indicate a worse problem than constipation. Unfortunately for my sayang, the doctor felt that the stool was too hard for her to get it out by herself and the doctor had to *gulp* physically get it out. All this while the baby was crying and she looked at me for help and held my hand tightly asking me to pick her up. I was so sad but there was nothing that I could do but just hold her hand through the process...
I was so scared afterward to wash her bum bum as I was scared to hurt her bruised bum bum even more. A little cry here and there again whenever she has to poo poo... but she was a little bit better. I kept on wondering what had actually caused her sudden constipation and though that maybe the rice cereal that she loved so much was responsible, so I immediately changed her diet to bananas... it helped a little bit... but papaya was much better at helping her poo poo... this is when I found out that she was allergic to it. A little bit will cause rashes to appear on her face and neck...we immediately stopped that and continued with the banana.
That was 2 weeks ago. And still her stool comes out as beef patty like.. It's no longer hurting her... but I don't think it's healthy for her tummy either... until last weekend. We changed her milk from Anmum to Frisolac... She loves the milk (we previously tried to change to Mamex, but she hates it as much as she hates S26)! And even better than that is her stool changed to a mashed soft texture that she should have been getting... oohhh... I am so happy for her... it's been 2 days and so far so good... :)
Well, now you know why she suddenly hates doctors... I can just imagine how hurt she had been during the last visit. She has a good memory now and somehow knows when she's with a doc ... Poor baby, I hope she'll be able to put the incident behind her... I also hope that she doesn't have to go through anything so painful again. I truly cannot watch her crying like that ever again... I wish to take all the pain away... Biar lah mummy yang sakit... demam ke... as long as Jellybean is well, healthy and happy...
Little Clingy... me
Throughout the journey of parenthood... there will be a lot of frustration... you'll find that sometimes the sparks that will fly between you and your spouse and it's inevitable as the work schedules come in between your time... stress of sleepless nights and financial burden stretch tight pile on both your shoulders... it's inevitable and it's how you come out of that fix that bonds you even stronger... isn't it true though that stress that test your patience and perseverance will unite your love even stronger than before... we can do it... as long as we have each other...
What others never talk about to parents-to-be is the other side to having children... the behind scene, that goes beyond the dirty diaper or spit ups and the googly and gummy smiles... it is the subtle kind of stress one feels when faced with separation anxiety... let me make myself clearer... anxiety that you.. as a parent feel...
Our kids will grow up, to wonderful and well balanced adults and eventually find their own foot paths in this life... regardless of whether you are ready to let go or not... it's what I guess they call the circle of life. I can't even imagine what I will do then... but I still have a good 18 years, God willing, to face that ultimate time when letting go is so important... how about now? What anxiety do I feel?
Well, it's the anxiety I get when I am separated from my baby... already I feel that she's growing up so fast without me. Everyday I go to work, I look forward to the time that I can step into the house and have her in my arms... to coddle and kiss her yummy cheeks... but lately, this past week I have been having problem with her need to be with her nanny. I know that it's inevitable for her to feel close to her nanny, as she goes in day in and day out with her. Often sleeping close and always being cuddled by her nanny... She sees her most of her waking time during the weekdays... and her bedtime is as early as 8 sometimes... So that roughly leaves me with 1 hour of wake time to be with Jellybean on weekdays. Maybe that is the problem... or maybe it's just a phase...
I certainly don't see other babies or mummies having the same problem... and the others work as well... so the question that I often ask myself now is... what am I doing wrong?
There must be something... I wish I could make it better... because I am inconsolably sad whenever I see her turn away from me... I don't know how to explain it.. and I doubt anyone could understand it.
In this that it proves no matter how much you have to give... no matter how much or what you give... eventually time and the care that you spend is the one that will win out. Unfortunately right now I come out as the losing party... for now.. right this moment... I'm hoping to change that.. I don't know how yet... maybe with more patience... and prayers.... maybe just maybe ... she'll want me more tomorrow...
What others never talk about to parents-to-be is the other side to having children... the behind scene, that goes beyond the dirty diaper or spit ups and the googly and gummy smiles... it is the subtle kind of stress one feels when faced with separation anxiety... let me make myself clearer... anxiety that you.. as a parent feel...
Our kids will grow up, to wonderful and well balanced adults and eventually find their own foot paths in this life... regardless of whether you are ready to let go or not... it's what I guess they call the circle of life. I can't even imagine what I will do then... but I still have a good 18 years, God willing, to face that ultimate time when letting go is so important... how about now? What anxiety do I feel?
Well, it's the anxiety I get when I am separated from my baby... already I feel that she's growing up so fast without me. Everyday I go to work, I look forward to the time that I can step into the house and have her in my arms... to coddle and kiss her yummy cheeks... but lately, this past week I have been having problem with her need to be with her nanny. I know that it's inevitable for her to feel close to her nanny, as she goes in day in and day out with her. Often sleeping close and always being cuddled by her nanny... She sees her most of her waking time during the weekdays... and her bedtime is as early as 8 sometimes... So that roughly leaves me with 1 hour of wake time to be with Jellybean on weekdays. Maybe that is the problem... or maybe it's just a phase...
I certainly don't see other babies or mummies having the same problem... and the others work as well... so the question that I often ask myself now is... what am I doing wrong?
There must be something... I wish I could make it better... because I am inconsolably sad whenever I see her turn away from me... I don't know how to explain it.. and I doubt anyone could understand it.
In this that it proves no matter how much you have to give... no matter how much or what you give... eventually time and the care that you spend is the one that will win out. Unfortunately right now I come out as the losing party... for now.. right this moment... I'm hoping to change that.. I don't know how yet... maybe with more patience... and prayers.... maybe just maybe ... she'll want me more tomorrow...
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My baby when she cries.... still yomel! |
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Smiling eyes... her little one next to mine.. :) |
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Mummy's little Hijabi! |
On love... this Tuesday morning..
Do we make our own fate?
I think there is a fine line between fate, destiny and choices... after all, didn't our choices dictate what our future will be like? Or is it that no matter what path you choose and tumble into... somehow destiny was already pre-chosen and we will be good or bad in accordance to our life's fate?
I was listening to the radio this morning and it was about a girl who was in a dilemma, being in love with someone else's fiance. She didn't know what to do... she was stuck because the guy will not leave her alone. Hmm... is she really all that stuck? Though love is a chemically induced feeling and you can't help feeling the way you do towards a person... but whether you call/pick up his call... isn't that a choice?
I am not one to cast blame or start a morning sermon on fidelity and loyalty... After all, I understand the feeling... you can say that I have seen the coins on both sides. Hehehe.. those who knows me well would know this...
But one can't help thinking on how infidelity happens in the first place. Who's blame is it when one partner suddenly starts looking elsewhere for 'love' or 'affection'..? Is it fair to put the blame on the partner that is happily...or maybe unhappily oblivious..? Or is it fair to blame on the couple who are enjoying themselves at the expense of the other? Is it the girl...or is it the guy?
Love is such a fiery emotion don't you think? It comes unbidden and fills one heart with this fierce possession and all you can do is sit behind the wheel as it takes you for a ride.. it can be scary and exciting at the same time... it can even be your salvation from certain destruction. But can you love and betray at the same time? I don't think so. In that I think there is a choice... to love a person enough to let them go or love them enough to stay and wade through the difficult time together. Certainly to love them enough to not hurt them by betraying their trust in you.
Love is precious and should be cherished. People nowadays throws the word around like a days bread hot from the oven. Passing from hand to hand... they are forgetting the value of that sentiment and all the resposibility to it should you accept and take a bite out of that tempting treat.
Love should be nourished and kept alive... like a garden that is blooming with ruby red roses... if you let it be come rain, sunshine... you'll find that it would be overgrown with weeds and the once brilliant colors splashing will turn to a wild and dull growth of something that used to be. it ours?
I think there is a fine line between fate, destiny and choices... after all, didn't our choices dictate what our future will be like? Or is it that no matter what path you choose and tumble into... somehow destiny was already pre-chosen and we will be good or bad in accordance to our life's fate?
I was listening to the radio this morning and it was about a girl who was in a dilemma, being in love with someone else's fiance. She didn't know what to do... she was stuck because the guy will not leave her alone. Hmm... is she really all that stuck? Though love is a chemically induced feeling and you can't help feeling the way you do towards a person... but whether you call/pick up his call... isn't that a choice?
I am not one to cast blame or start a morning sermon on fidelity and loyalty... After all, I understand the feeling... you can say that I have seen the coins on both sides. Hehehe.. those who knows me well would know this...
But one can't help thinking on how infidelity happens in the first place. Who's blame is it when one partner suddenly starts looking elsewhere for 'love' or 'affection'..? Is it fair to put the blame on the partner that is happily...or maybe unhappily oblivious..? Or is it fair to blame on the couple who are enjoying themselves at the expense of the other? Is it the girl...or is it the guy?
Love is such a fiery emotion don't you think? It comes unbidden and fills one heart with this fierce possession and all you can do is sit behind the wheel as it takes you for a ride.. it can be scary and exciting at the same time... it can even be your salvation from certain destruction. But can you love and betray at the same time? I don't think so. In that I think there is a choice... to love a person enough to let them go or love them enough to stay and wade through the difficult time together. Certainly to love them enough to not hurt them by betraying their trust in you.
Love is precious and should be cherished. People nowadays throws the word around like a days bread hot from the oven. Passing from hand to hand... they are forgetting the value of that sentiment and all the resposibility to it should you accept and take a bite out of that tempting treat.
Love should be nourished and kept alive... like a garden that is blooming with ruby red roses... if you let it be come rain, sunshine... you'll find that it would be overgrown with weeds and the once brilliant colors splashing will turn to a wild and dull growth of something that used to be. it ours?
Monday, September 19, 2011
Fun Facts on Roseola & HFMD
Some fun facts on Roseola:
How is roseola spread?
Roseola is spread from person to person, most likely by transfer of oral secretions. Roseola is not very contagious. The incubation period between exposure to the virus and onset of symptoms is nine to 10 days. Humans are the only natural hosts for HHV-6 and HHV-7. Unlike other viral infections, roseola occurs throughout the year without seasonal variation.
What are roseola symptoms and signs?
The signs and symptoms of HHV-6 (or HHV-7) infection vary depending upon the age of the patient. Infants and toddlers routinely will develop sudden symptoms with a sudden onset of a high fever that lasts for three to five days, irritability, bulging "soft spot" on the head (fontanel), swollen glands in the front or back of the neck, runny nose, puffy eyelids (due to swelling with fluid), and mild diarrhea. Within 12-24 hours of the fever breaking, a rash rapidly appears. Older children who develop HHV-6 (or HHV-7) infection are more likely to have an illness characterized by several days of high fever and possibly a runny nose and/or diarrhea. Older children less commonly develop a rash as the fever abates.
Some fun facts on HFMD:
-The disease usually begins with a fever, poor appetite, malaise (feeling vaguely unwell), and often with a sore throat.
-One or 2 days after fever onset, painful sores usually develop in the mouth. They begin as small red spots that blister and then often become ulcers. The sores are usually located on the tongue, gums, and inside of the cheeks.
-A non-itchy skin rash develops over 1–2 days. The rash has flat or raised red spots, sometimes with blisters. The rash is usually located on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet; it may also appear on the buttocks and/or genitalia.
-A person with HFMD may have only the rash or only the mouth sores.
Cause of Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease
-HFMD is caused by viruses that belong to the enterovirus genus (group). This group of viruses includes polioviruses, coxsackieviruses, echoviruses, and enteroviruses.
-Coxsackievirus A16 is the most common cause of HFMD in the United States, but other coxsackieviruses have been associated with the illness.
-Enteroviruses, including enterovirus 71, have also been associated with HFMD and with outbreaks of the disease.
How Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease Is Spread
-Infection is spread from person to person by direct contact with infectious virus. Infectious virus is found in the nose and throat secretions, saliva, blister fluid, and stool of infected persons. The virus is most often spread by persons with unwashed, virus-contaminated hands and by contact with virus-contaminated surfaces.
-Infected persons are most contagious during the first week of the illness.
-The viruses that cause HFMD can remain in the body for weeks after a patient's symptoms have gone away. This means that the infected person can still pass the infection to other people even though he/she appears well. Also, some persons who are infected and excreting the virus, including most adults, may have no symptoms.
-HFMD is not transmitted to or from pets or other animals.
Factors That Increase the Chance for Infection or Disease
-Everyone who has not already been infected with an enterovirus that causes HFMD is at risk of infection, but not everyone who is infected with an enterovirus becomes ill with HFMD.
-HFMD occurs mainly in children under 10 years old but can also occur in adults. Children are more likely to be at risk for infection and illness because they are less likely than adults to have antibodies to protect them. Such antibodies develop in the body during a person’s first exposure to the enteroviruses that cause HFMD.
-Infection results in immunity to (protection against) the specific virus that caused HFMD. A second case of HFMD may occur following infection with a different member of the enterovirus group.
Ohh... and mummies and daddies.. if your child is sick, please refrain from bringing them out in public... ;)
How is roseola spread?
Roseola is spread from person to person, most likely by transfer of oral secretions. Roseola is not very contagious. The incubation period between exposure to the virus and onset of symptoms is nine to 10 days. Humans are the only natural hosts for HHV-6 and HHV-7. Unlike other viral infections, roseola occurs throughout the year without seasonal variation.
What are roseola symptoms and signs?
The signs and symptoms of HHV-6 (or HHV-7) infection vary depending upon the age of the patient. Infants and toddlers routinely will develop sudden symptoms with a sudden onset of a high fever that lasts for three to five days, irritability, bulging "soft spot" on the head (fontanel), swollen glands in the front or back of the neck, runny nose, puffy eyelids (due to swelling with fluid), and mild diarrhea. Within 12-24 hours of the fever breaking, a rash rapidly appears. Older children who develop HHV-6 (or HHV-7) infection are more likely to have an illness characterized by several days of high fever and possibly a runny nose and/or diarrhea. Older children less commonly develop a rash as the fever abates.
Some fun facts on HFMD:
-The disease usually begins with a fever, poor appetite, malaise (feeling vaguely unwell), and often with a sore throat.
-One or 2 days after fever onset, painful sores usually develop in the mouth. They begin as small red spots that blister and then often become ulcers. The sores are usually located on the tongue, gums, and inside of the cheeks.
-A non-itchy skin rash develops over 1–2 days. The rash has flat or raised red spots, sometimes with blisters. The rash is usually located on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet; it may also appear on the buttocks and/or genitalia.
-A person with HFMD may have only the rash or only the mouth sores.
Cause of Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease
-HFMD is caused by viruses that belong to the enterovirus genus (group). This group of viruses includes polioviruses, coxsackieviruses, echoviruses, and enteroviruses.
-Coxsackievirus A16 is the most common cause of HFMD in the United States, but other coxsackieviruses have been associated with the illness.
-Enteroviruses, including enterovirus 71, have also been associated with HFMD and with outbreaks of the disease.
How Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease Is Spread
-Infection is spread from person to person by direct contact with infectious virus. Infectious virus is found in the nose and throat secretions, saliva, blister fluid, and stool of infected persons. The virus is most often spread by persons with unwashed, virus-contaminated hands and by contact with virus-contaminated surfaces.
-Infected persons are most contagious during the first week of the illness.
-The viruses that cause HFMD can remain in the body for weeks after a patient's symptoms have gone away. This means that the infected person can still pass the infection to other people even though he/she appears well. Also, some persons who are infected and excreting the virus, including most adults, may have no symptoms.
-HFMD is not transmitted to or from pets or other animals.
Factors That Increase the Chance for Infection or Disease
-Everyone who has not already been infected with an enterovirus that causes HFMD is at risk of infection, but not everyone who is infected with an enterovirus becomes ill with HFMD.
-HFMD occurs mainly in children under 10 years old but can also occur in adults. Children are more likely to be at risk for infection and illness because they are less likely than adults to have antibodies to protect them. Such antibodies develop in the body during a person’s first exposure to the enteroviruses that cause HFMD.
-Infection results in immunity to (protection against) the specific virus that caused HFMD. A second case of HFMD may occur following infection with a different member of the enterovirus group.
Ohh... and mummies and daddies.. if your child is sick, please refrain from bringing them out in public... ;)
Roseolla Infantum
My baby doesn't do the ordinary in an ordinary way... even in getting sick she wants to do it her way :P
Anyhow, the first time she wasn't feeling well was when she got a mild case of HFM...yes, hands, foot & mouth disease... she didn't really have a temperature then... just felt slightly hot to the touch... what had worried me the most then was the possibility of ulcers in the mouth, which both my niece and nephew had suffered from... I was so distressed... but checking out 2 doctors, they assured me that she was just feeling under the weather.. I was so relieved! Until of course the red dots appeared at her feet and hands... classic case of HFMD... Silly doctors! However, we were lucky that she didn't suffer from any ulcers... the dots came and went and she was all fine and dandy again...
Recently Jellybean got sick... on 9/9/11 (nice date huh :p ) .. she started off with a hot fever... I was shocked when I woke up for work that her body was burning hot... her temp showed she was burning at 38.6 deg... I was immediately worried but seeing how the peads were all still closed we decided to cool her down with the Bye Bye fever strip and some cold compress... a visit to the clinic and the doc confirmed that she has the viral fever, Roseola Infantum... it's apparently common and would fall in with the measles family. Hmmm... I wonder where she got it from... tsk tsk....
The doc showed me a slight rash on her tummy and told me that soon more rash will appear and the fever would eventually go off once all the rash came out. At this age... and a recent encounter with a doc for her constipation problem (more on that later), Jellybean has come to hate doctors... so this visit was brief as she could stop crying and screaming... the only way I was able to calm her down was to actually step out... and I mean all the way out of the clinic...
Her fever lasted for 3 days 3 nights... one minute it was hot... over 38 deg and the next it came down again... mainly I guess because of the meds that I gave her. I tried to not give too much to her as I'm not sure if it's all that good piling her high with paracetamol... but when the fever got too high.. I'll give her a dose... all within the time frame of course... not more than 1 dose with in 6 hours... There was a time that I was very worried as her temp would not go down... even with the meds and cold compress... after around 10 hours of high temp... her temp finally went back to normal... *sigh*
Darling baby was an angel though all through the fever... she still drank and ate... so there was thankfully that worry put to rest... as for the rash? It came with a vengeance on the 4th day! her whole body and face was covered with red dots (more on her body)... but the rash, Alhamdulillah on ly lasted for about 2-3 days... after that it was gone.
All in all it was a tiring journey... wish I could take it all away and her healthy always... but I guess it's good that her body has been exposed to all this germs and viruses and hopefully she'll be stronger to fight other infections...
Anyhow, the first time she wasn't feeling well was when she got a mild case of HFM...yes, hands, foot & mouth disease... she didn't really have a temperature then... just felt slightly hot to the touch... what had worried me the most then was the possibility of ulcers in the mouth, which both my niece and nephew had suffered from... I was so distressed... but checking out 2 doctors, they assured me that she was just feeling under the weather.. I was so relieved! Until of course the red dots appeared at her feet and hands... classic case of HFMD... Silly doctors! However, we were lucky that she didn't suffer from any ulcers... the dots came and went and she was all fine and dandy again...
Recently Jellybean got sick... on 9/9/11 (nice date huh :p ) .. she started off with a hot fever... I was shocked when I woke up for work that her body was burning hot... her temp showed she was burning at 38.6 deg... I was immediately worried but seeing how the peads were all still closed we decided to cool her down with the Bye Bye fever strip and some cold compress... a visit to the clinic and the doc confirmed that she has the viral fever, Roseola Infantum... it's apparently common and would fall in with the measles family. Hmmm... I wonder where she got it from... tsk tsk....
The doc showed me a slight rash on her tummy and told me that soon more rash will appear and the fever would eventually go off once all the rash came out. At this age... and a recent encounter with a doc for her constipation problem (more on that later), Jellybean has come to hate doctors... so this visit was brief as she could stop crying and screaming... the only way I was able to calm her down was to actually step out... and I mean all the way out of the clinic...
Her fever lasted for 3 days 3 nights... one minute it was hot... over 38 deg and the next it came down again... mainly I guess because of the meds that I gave her. I tried to not give too much to her as I'm not sure if it's all that good piling her high with paracetamol... but when the fever got too high.. I'll give her a dose... all within the time frame of course... not more than 1 dose with in 6 hours... There was a time that I was very worried as her temp would not go down... even with the meds and cold compress... after around 10 hours of high temp... her temp finally went back to normal... *sigh*
Darling baby was an angel though all through the fever... she still drank and ate... so there was thankfully that worry put to rest... as for the rash? It came with a vengeance on the 4th day! her whole body and face was covered with red dots (more on her body)... but the rash, Alhamdulillah on ly lasted for about 2-3 days... after that it was gone.
All in all it was a tiring journey... wish I could take it all away and her healthy always... but I guess it's good that her body has been exposed to all this germs and viruses and hopefully she'll be stronger to fight other infections...
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Aqiqah for Jellybean and Mikha
Since both babies were born only 51 days apart, it was decided that we should make a double aqiqah so that everyone could come and celebrate the both of them. We also decided that we would forgo the usual marhaban and doa selamat (oh poor Jellybean!) and just have the guests over for some yum-yum roast lamb and masakan kampung... what was on the menu of masakan kampung? Telur itik masal lemak, ayam goreng berempah, udang & petai masak merah... oohh yum yum... and of course not forgetting, ikan bakar and sambal!
Since it involved 3 families (myself, parents & mikha's parents), the amount of people budgeted to make it to the event was also increased to approx. 150 people... of course we invited more than this... since it was buffet open house style, I wasn't too worried.
The door gifts given was my all time fav, pulut kuning and rendang because somehow when it comes to religious events/kenduris it just seemed appropriate. We placed it in a plexi box and wrapped a ribbon around it, topped off with stickers made by Dear Azalea... We also had personalised Yassin printed out. For the kids? I wrapped bahulu in the cookie bag and tied satin ribbons.
As you know, Jellybean wore her first baju kurung... it was soft pink with purple flowers... embroidered cotton. Lovely! :) it actually matches my baju kurung for raya, so am hoping that she can still fit into them...As a last minute thing, I was even able to find the perfect shoes for her... hehehe... my months of hunting finally paid off when I found pink slippers from Lovely Lace... it was soft pink with little flowers on top... so my sweet baby was not fully complete for her beautiful day.
Not to forget the rest of the family, I spent the day before the aqiqah combing the sops for appropriate gifts as a thank you from Jellybean for helping us out through the days... each couple got a weaved bag I found which contained personal gifties to all the little ones. :) Their mummy and daddy... a couple of Patchi chocs...
** this entry has been a long in coming... since I have been waiting to upload it together with the pictures... :) Anyhow, it was a wonderful celebration though not many were able to meet my beautiful Princess since she chose today of all days to be ermm, a little cranky... but the guests had fun with the sumptuous meal and everyone loved the pulut kuning doorgift. I myself couldn't stop eating the leftovers! :P
** here you go some pictures of the event... though a lot are missing such as happy pictures with family and of course baby Mikha as he was safely sleeping with his mummy in his 'kantung' :P
** oh the function was held on 11.6.11... as you know 13 June is my anniversary and it has an additional special memory attached to it because on our 1st year anniversary was the day we found out I was carrying little baby Shiya... :)
Since it involved 3 families (myself, parents & mikha's parents), the amount of people budgeted to make it to the event was also increased to approx. 150 people... of course we invited more than this... since it was buffet open house style, I wasn't too worried.
The door gifts given was my all time fav, pulut kuning and rendang because somehow when it comes to religious events/kenduris it just seemed appropriate. We placed it in a plexi box and wrapped a ribbon around it, topped off with stickers made by Dear Azalea... We also had personalised Yassin printed out. For the kids? I wrapped bahulu in the cookie bag and tied satin ribbons.
As you know, Jellybean wore her first baju kurung... it was soft pink with purple flowers... embroidered cotton. Lovely! :) it actually matches my baju kurung for raya, so am hoping that she can still fit into them...As a last minute thing, I was even able to find the perfect shoes for her... hehehe... my months of hunting finally paid off when I found pink slippers from Lovely Lace... it was soft pink with little flowers on top... so my sweet baby was not fully complete for her beautiful day.
Not to forget the rest of the family, I spent the day before the aqiqah combing the sops for appropriate gifts as a thank you from Jellybean for helping us out through the days... each couple got a weaved bag I found which contained personal gifties to all the little ones. :) Their mummy and daddy... a couple of Patchi chocs...
** this entry has been a long in coming... since I have been waiting to upload it together with the pictures... :) Anyhow, it was a wonderful celebration though not many were able to meet my beautiful Princess since she chose today of all days to be ermm, a little cranky... but the guests had fun with the sumptuous meal and everyone loved the pulut kuning doorgift. I myself couldn't stop eating the leftovers! :P
** here you go some pictures of the event... though a lot are missing such as happy pictures with family and of course baby Mikha as he was safely sleeping with his mummy in his 'kantung' :P
** oh the function was held on 11.6.11... as you know 13 June is my anniversary and it has an additional special memory attached to it because on our 1st year anniversary was the day we found out I was carrying little baby Shiya... :)
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Baby and mummy... |
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The grandparents... |
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Hehehe... my act of extravagance for the function |
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Lovely aunties helping out with the doorfits... |
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Missing my pregnant self...
I miss....being pregnant and having my baby closest to my heart... :)
Here's the baby shower pictures taken less than 2 months before darling Jellybean was born!
Here's the baby shower pictures taken less than 2 months before darling Jellybean was born!
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Surprise Baby Shower! |
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With my sweetie sister, the host |
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Hubby and Wayey |
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My lovely guests... |
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Us preggy ladies... presenting, Arash, Zareef, Shiya & Maya... |
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Selamat Hari Raya!
This year the Mustafar clan finally synchronised our color theme... thanks to your truly ;)
Perfection.... all my love here with me... :)
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The girls of the Mustafar Clan |
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The boys of the Mustafar Clan |
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Our first raya as a family |
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The cheekiest boy... :) |
Perfection.... all my love here with me... :)
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Pagi raya with her Tok Pa & Tok Ma |
On pagi raya... :) |
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With my mum in law :) |
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