Monday, January 28, 2013

One weekend in January...

Wow... had a super loooonggggg weekend that I haven't been able to have in a good while... 5 whole days of fun with my Jellybean...heart of my heart... and added spice to my perfect weekend dish... movie outing with my hubby (hahaha 2nd movie in 1 week - what a record) and a whole lotta time with my kiddos.

Shiya was super manja with me yesterday.. I guess after 4 days of mummy love she just wants me to cuddle and smother some more with my love... hehehe... yes, she is getting superbly manja and clingy (Alhamdulillah)... before you balk at my read all that I had to go through to be this close to my little girl... hehehe... so am a happy bee...

I also had a GREAT time babysitting my 2 lil kiddos for 3 days... hehehe sis was out on a weekend date to Singapore... so I got to have them sleepover at my house on Fri... quite by chance since I wasn't even planning to take leave that day... and some good morning loving and Toys R Us outing on sat... and an impromptu Midvalley run on Sun... hehehe it has been such a long time since I had them all to myself since we moved out to Bangi that it was a wonderful wonderful time... which I hope they agree as well   :) Farel was the luckiest though since he got the most gifties on our outings... heheheh (Only cos he is the oldest and knows to mintak most profusely)  :P

All in all... it has been great.. and I was lucky to have my understanding hubby who even though struggles to grasp how crazy I am to have a truck load of kids with me all the time (comes with 2 maids - so no... I didn't handle all 3 kids by myself except when they are in my room)... still loves me for me and strives to look past all that and have fun... God must have heard and answered my prayers... because though I am still learning... I find that many of my actions shows me a better way to make my day or life as you may say... brighter.... I think the word that I am looking for is compromise... hehehe

So here's to hoping for a better week ahead... :)

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