Thursday, May 9, 2013

It's almost here...

It's count down for me... 2 more days till my long holiday... yeah, getting a taste of what it's like to be a home maker...hehehe

For the first 2 weeks I will be a little busy... what with getting my Project 01 and Project 02 to move in the right direction... and Project 03 to start... hahahah yes.... turning 30 has opened my eyes and my heart to a little bit more courage to pursue the things that matter most to me.

It's ok people... I am scared and I am feeling the pinch... working for almost 4 years... getting a steady income that has been rising slightly there and here... to suddenly getting nil next month (on unpaid leave for 5 weeks)... wow... you can't believe how the panic suddenly hit me one night and I actually feel suffocated.

All this while I can go shopping/grocery shopping/toys & clothes browsing without much thought... now suddenly I have to weigh each and every want/need to ... 'do I really need this'... 'do we really use this thing at home'... Mr. Hubby is happy though... imagine our weekly spending on groceries have actually dropped 50%! Boy, you never how much you're actually wasting till you need to save... tsk tsk....

These 2 months of no salary is gonna be a challenge I tell you... I almost just panic into saying I can't do this... but hey... with my sweet baby smiling and asking me to play with her each night, I find the courage to stay on my current path... Insyallah... we will be guided...  :) 

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