Saturday, March 27, 2010

Passport Renewal

Woke up early today to renew my passport. Reason being was to skip the endless lines of people and get it done as soon as we can. We were racing to PKNS and found out that we didn't have my pic and copy of ic. The people here were good at anticipating people like me. They actually have someone available to take our pics and even a photostating machine. Of course in the name of bussiness they charge u double! :p

And here I am 3 hours later waiting for the passport. The renewal process was fast with the kiosk outside. Just the pick up is a bit slow. Again, like I told hubby.. Should've taken the RM100 for 2 yrs.. After if multiply that with 3 u get 6 years... As compared to the RM300 for 5 years? Hmmm...

Oh the person just called my name... 5 mins and the passport is now safely in my hands.. Jakarta, here we come! ;)

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