Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Names, gorgeous names...

During tazkirah last week we talked about beautiful names and their beautiful meaning. So I googled for my name... Anis means loyal friend and Nadia means the beginning...:) hehehe... I don't know about beginning, but I am a loyal friend (at least I try to be... Hehehe) I noticed that I tend to stick to a certain someone or a group of peeps... It's not that I don't want to make friends with other people (the more the merrier right?) But when I hang out with you a lot... I really enjoy ur company and just plain love you! Hehehehe... And basically will do anything for you... This goes to all, my sayang, my family and in laws and of course my small group of friends.

Ok side-tracked there... Where were we?? Oh, yea... On names... I found out what my sis's name meant tOo! :) Asma means the child of Abu Bkr... Hehhehe... Gotta find out more about that... But Aasmaa (which would sound the same kan?) means excellent and precious... I like!

Do u know that Almas means diamond? Alia means exalted or highest social standing... Nadira means rare and precious... Love love all these names... Hehehe... If ever me and hubby are lucky enough to have children, I think I'd spend days, no months... Just finding the right name for each... Yes that's right would love a big family, God willing. Amin.

Ok, enough of day dreaming... Need to finish this work so that I can get off early to visit ma seour... And kiss yayel and lissy...

Hugs! ;)

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