Thursday, May 5, 2011

Before I forget...

There has been a lot of new updates on my darling Shiya... unfortunately a major portion of her development I was unable to see... hate that my maid gets to have a majority of her time. Ok, let's stop this self pity wagon and just concentrate on the good stuff...

30 April
A big day indeed as I was able to see with my very own two eyes my darling baby rolling onto her tummy. Of course this happened in wee hours when she woke up hungry and angry enough to roll to her tummy. That actually made her more angry since she hates that position. Heheheh... I woke up surprised and happy... my baby dah besar! :D

This was also the day that I was able to hear her first giggle... I tickled her tummy and she let out a loud giggle until even hubby woke up! Hehehe... yeay! It was so cute and adorable. Wish I had recorded it then so that I can hear it when I"m here at the office, missing her yummy self.

Ok, that's all for now on updates... oh, she also likes to blow bubbles... some might find that yucky... but I find it adorable and cute... (of course will not encourage this cute habit)  :p

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