Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Jellybean's first trip!

It has been a tradition (in a sort of way) since we got married that every year we would fly off to Jakarta for a weekend holiday with my in-laws... the first trip was when the boys were just little babies... and the next was just shy a few weeks before my love was conceived... this year... we had the pleasure of bringing her with us to our weekend getaway.

It was short and sweet... the plane trip was the most worrisome as we weren't sure how Shiya would react to the changing pressure. Being cranky because she couldn't crawl about the airport... she was a bit upset to be squished up in the economy class seat... hahaha... mummy's own diva  :P

But she soon quiet down for the take off when I passed her her favourite baby bites... :) all is well for the brief 2 hour flight.. well as well as can be given that Jellybean was a little cranky... but who can blame her when she was a little hungry and thirsty... a valuable lesson for mummy... one that I took to heart for the trip back to Malaysia...

We arrived at our hotel, Grand Hayatt and had a merry time once we got our rooms... Jellybean was of course the happiest... after being cramped up for nearly 8 hours.. she can finally crawle about and scamper to her heart's content... and played peek-a-boo with mummy... :)

The fondest memory I have of the trip is her waking me up the next morning with kisses to my cheeks... she blew her kisses on my face and needless to say, drenched me with her yumminess... hahahaha... she was in such a playful mood! And on that day we celebrated her 8 months birthday. We went shopping after, finding her some toys as a gift and mummy and daddy treated ourselves to some yummy drinks at our favourite Starbucks... All this while my sweetheart was the perfect angel... smiling and playing with her new toys... the jingle thingy that until now seems to be her current favourite...

How the weekend just flew by! Before you know it, it was already time to leave... the journey home was a lot more calmer and speedy... Jellybean slept the whole way  :P

Well sayang... you've earned mummy a new charm on your milestone bracelet... here's a wish for many more trips with you... and I must say... you've spoilt me with your endless love and sweetness.....

Other pics will be uploaded soon ;)

All ready for the flight out ;)
 Sent via BlackBerry from Maxis

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