Friday, November 4, 2011

Stressed & Depressed

Stressed & depressed... Wow... what a way to start an entry... hehehe...

My baby turned 9 months 4 days ago... at her 9 months stage:
  • she has two tiny teeth that is just peaking out at the gums 
  • her vocab included..."mumumum", "dadada", "papapapa", "mamamama", "lalalala"
  • loves to scream... I mean really, literally scream... when she's excited, upset, angry
  • loves to hold on to your hand and walk around everywhere
  • pays close attention whenever Barney is on the TV
  • her favorite is still Wheels on The Bus and I'm a Little Teapot (which her mummy always uses to distract her whenever she's in one of her temper tantrums)
  • will climb on tables or couches if given the opportunity
  • hates playing by herself still, she has to have a 'teman' 
  • shows preference to toys that she can 'bang' her hands on
  • gets excited when you play peek a boo with her... she'll start searching for you if you suddenly disappears
  • gets jealous of other babies/kids... but only with her nanny
  • can fall asleep listening to mummy humming Que Sera Sera (how to spell? :P  )
  • Recognises voices and follows the sound
  • Can stand without support and sometimes grab a toy while standing 
  • Can take 1-2 steps... though has only been witnessed by her nanny and grandpa
I guess the biggest development... and worry... as she turned 9 months is that she has refused to drink any formula. She has started refusing milk a few weeks ago... but that only meant her intake of milk had sadly decreased from the 25-20oz a day to maybe 15-18oz... but suddenly this week it has been a total challenge to get her to drink her milk. Even her nanny failed to somehow get her to take in any milk and she has always been successful in the past. Then a few days ago... she went the whole day without milk. I though surely she would wake up and ask for some since she would be hungry for some milk, but she slept through the night... content and when she woke up at 7am... she was happy and didn't even cry. If i try and show her her bottle, she just turns her face away.. and if i try to put it in her mouth and give a little taste of milk... she will start struggling and cry to get away from me.

So there... my baby at 9 months... refuse to take in any more milk. I do try to compensate though... after through research... hehehe.. which involves numerous hours googling articles and forums for families facing the same ordeal... I found that most try to give their babies cheese (though I don't know what kind since Shiya has no teeth to eat properly) and yogurt. This is to ensure that she gets enough calcium and iron in her diet.

I have also made it mandatory for her to eat her rusks or rice/oat cereal so that we could add a little milk in. Now any new foods introduced will be those with high calcium content and preferable if we could mix a little milk in so that at least she would be getting some needed nutrients. I have yet to consult her paed on other alternatives that might help... *sigh*

Gonna start her on yogurt tomorrow and also on steamed tofu... hope she likes these new dishes...

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