Friday, January 6, 2012


How was everyone's new year celebration? Mine was great indeed... got to spend quality time with hubby and my sweet angel... we had ourselves a merry time with hubby's "burger party"...hehehe which involves him over the stove cooking burger ramli for the family. FIL also made his famous kuey teow and I had some yummy iced root beer... ahhh my fav... been missing that lately! :)

We were in bed by 10 pm with Jellybean and settled down to sleep just as the clock struck 12... it was perfection... ;)

2012... may things be as beautiful and more prosperous this year... another baby perhaps? hehehe... insyallah... kalau ada rezeki why not... but 2012 will be mainly focused on getting our house ready as we'll be able to move in soon! Yippee! *jumping with glee*

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