Monday, October 8, 2012

Bookworm journal...

Hehehe feeling like reading but dont know where to start?
Well Ken Follet's "Pillars of The Earth" & "World Without End" is a nice place to start... :) but beware that these 2 super thick books are a loooong journey so its best you have some spare time to along as you will be reluctant to put the book down.
Both books are related as it takes you to a journey of diff individuals luving in 12th century during the building of a cathedral and the 14th century during the hit of the black plague. The scene takes us to old England and was able to depict numerous historical events that took place during that time...
The writing so wonderful and detailed that you cant help but be transported in time. I would definitely called it a satisfying and epic journey as their tears become your own.. And their triumph and happiness your passion.
Looking forward to another Ken Follet novel..I hope that its just as wonderful... And hopefully i can get hands on the tv series of both books soon.. :)
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