Tuesday, October 9, 2012


One of Jellybean's favorite thing to play is lego... Or building blocks.. But she loves lego the most... She would sit for a loooong time at empire's lego table at toys r us and just play lego... Stacking 'em up tall. So mummy has bought a few boxes for her to play and oh my...they dont come cheap! One box with 70 pieces or so is like RM99... Tsk tsk... The one with the ABC is like RM129..

But its one of those good quality and very stimulating toys that I so love for her to play. And I'm glad she enjoys it so much.

It does come with another heftier price though...her screams and not quite hair pulling stunts when one of her 'towers' topples...hahaha.. Hubby thinks its too much for her and doesnt want her frustrated. But I think it's healthy for her... If it's too much of course I try and distract or guide her... But overall..a lil challenge for her mind gives her a dose of reality and would (in my mind) toughen and help her thinking process. Errmm ye ke? Hehehe...

At 20 months:
1. Knows how to sujud..though it's usually done right in front of you when you're praying
2. Still looks at pokok and say...popok
3. Grape. ..thats what ahe calls ALL fruits... Ermmm what happened here? :p
4. Talks a lot.. Though its a foreign lingo to us mere humans..hehehe
5. Knows how to marah orang... Siap nak hep lagi tu... Ish ish..
6. Barney and pororo remains her fav though she has started to ask for Minnie's Bowtique
7. Can imitate her kakak exercising...arms stretching
8. Starting to show interest in undressing by herself
9. Jump... Just a lil of the floor
10. Mesmerise by gangnam vid..but then which kid isnt.. :p
11. Climb and go down the stairs by herself
12. Eat using a spoon though it may contain only one lil grain of rice
13. Hold a cup and drink
14. Prefers sitting on a proper chair like a big girl to eat instead of a high chair..
15. Brushes her own teeth..
16. Knows flower...though she says it as floer

Love my baby girl.... My heart melts when she says... "nak mummy...!" hehe...

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