Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Beginning Part 1

Today is the beginning... a beginning of a new chapter in my life. Others don't know it and some might even think... "what's the big deal?".

But it does matter.

He'll be coming over to formally ask for my hand from my parents. I'm so excited! It is something that I have been waiting for awhile. True, usually it will also follow with his parents being informed as well... but I can wait the 'less than 4 months' occassion.

Hehehe... I'm starting to get nervous as the hour goes closer. I know that I have nothing to be worried about, as this is what they want as well, but just the thought of being so open and candid with my parents kind of makes me restless... I can just imagine how my sayang is feeling. Though I must say that he seems at ease with the whole situation.

Sigh... I can't wait... ;)

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