Thursday, August 21, 2008

He came... he conquered...

He looked calm and in control all out through dinner. I was surprised... not that I expected him to be panicky, just maybe restless. But then when we arrived home, his nervousness showed. Quickly I became panicky myself... maybe its the thought of bringing up such an intimate topic such as marriage. It didn't help that my parents didn't say anything! :P

My parents went into the TV room and started watching TV! hehehe...

After a long uncomfortable and nervous pause, my baby and I walked in and requested to talk. He was wonderful...

He spoke softly and sweetly and ever so respectful. He made me so proud. Especially when I was such a nervous wreck myself! I know that my parents are happy on how he conducted the conversation. Quietly explaining the timeline and our own wishes.

My dad asked about his parents and if they could accept me. I could see that my plight mattered in their eyes. For that alone, I love them so much.

My baby was very reassuring in his love and committment. Could I ask for more? -sigh- Our dreams are half way there...!

I love him so much!

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