Thursday, November 18, 2010

Pressies for Little Baby Shiya

I was talking to my bff the other day and she made a nice point, what should she get for darling baby since I've been on such a shopping craze for the past few weeks?? :P

And as promised, I am making a short list of what I still need... :)

1. changing mat
2. matching mittens and socks
3. fitted sheets (52"x28")
4. diaper bag
5. gorgeous hooded towels (dunno why I'm obsessed with this :P  )
6. baby rocker
7. Utility box from Mothercare (not sure what it's really called... but can be used to put all the little stuff neatly inside.
8. Sleepsuits from Mothercare (3-6months)
9. gorgeous receiving blankies
10. matching top and pants (pants that covers the whole feet)
11. cute kitty stuffed toy from Mothercare (I think mommy wants this more)
12. dresses

Well, that's what I can think of at the top of my head... heheheh... for now, shopping mode has stopped while I clean away at the cobwebs and mountains of stuff that is my room in Kajang. It's already looking better already. I found a couple dozens of clothes to give away... (poor hubby had no choice but to give in) and threw away some few kgs of old paperworks. Seriously I feel liberated and lighter just thinking about it. Now there's just clumps of messiness that I need to sort out and somehow find a little space for it.

Hopefully the wardrobe that we saw in IKEA will be available soon. It's all white (which matches her crib) with two pink doors... ahh, perfecto for my Princess, though the price was a little higher than what I had budgeted for. :)

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