Monday, July 18, 2011

Jellybean update...

At 5 months:
  1. her first creeping was on 8 July 2011... she suddenly started creeping forward to grab at a pink spray bottle right in front of me... I was so surprised and happy...  :) to date she's still shaky and wobbly... but she can at least get up on all four and lift her bum bum high... though she is still stuck in this position. I have seen her move forward in her crawling position one step forward before crumbling... so for now... it's wobbling and creeping along the bed covers for her.....
  2. she has discovered the joy of sucking on her toes... I'm not sure if I have written about this before... but when she's on her back now... she will just pull at her feet and promptly suck at her toes.. which is so super cute!
  3. she has no favorite food yet as all that has been given to her is received with an open mouth... rice cereal, apple puree and pear puree...
  4. she loves bouncing and as a present to her... I got her a bouncer set that I have been eyeing since my confinement period... and she just loves to spend time in it... though she hates it if you left her there alone...
  5. at her recent check up... 4 days shy of being 5 months... she was 62cm tall... and weighs 6.5kg.
  6. She recognises nursery rhymes and her favorite currently is 'Itsy, Bitsy Spider' and 'I'm a Little Teapot'...
  7. Sucking on her fingers are her new hobby now...
  8. She needs a lot of space when sleeping because she can wiggle and turn her way 360deg during the night...
  9. her tufts of hair that we had shaved from her head when she was 18 days old is worth RM131 today...
  10. she can pull up to a sitting position with support and pull up to a standing position while holding on to your fingers...
That's all for now about my sweetheart! :)

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