Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Sleepy Me...

Anyhow... been off coffee for the past... what... 2 days now... and I know it sounds over dramatic but OMG... I am so sleepy! Nah... sleepy is not the right word to describe how I feel... it's lethargic... and slow... as though  I need to drag myself out of water... and in the morning in the car I am definitely snoozing away in the traffic and the effort it takes just to open my eyes... yes that itself is an award winning moment I think... tsk tsk

So much hubbubb over coffee... :P

But I do feel so 'layu'... a word that best describe me right now...This could be due to caffeine withdrawal... (really?? hmm...) or maybe it's just me being sluggish due to the lack of proper exercise to pump me up. Maybe the morning coffee has been giving me help by 'boosting' me up... sigh... gotta hit the gym or at least do some much needed cardio... *sigh*

Anyhow... if I didn't know better I would think I am pregnant.... the feeling is very much like when I was carrying shiya...hahaha except that time I was like 6 months pregnant?  :P Oh the horror of being over weight... tsk tsk...

But this reminds me of what hubby was saying yesterday... while I was going on and on and on about number 2... well more like the disappointment of getting a good rating on a particularly bad year for bonus... something like that... then he said... "well maybe the 2 means something... you know... shiya turning 2 this year... and well... getting our number 2?"

Hahahaha.... what he said was so random... *grinning silly* it's almost like something I would have said... so unlike him... and yet... that's what makes hubby and me... us... I would definitely say... we had a moment yesterday... :) *still grinning* It's wonderful to share that kind of connection with someone... Alhamdulillah...

As to my sleepy self... no coffee for me still... (though I cheated and drank 2 cups of tea yesterday)... and hopefully with some much needed activities planned during the weekend, I would feel a little energised next week... :)

All you gotta say is just Toodles!  :P
(Yes am feeling chirpy.. cos though it's Thurs... it's Fri for me!)

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